Chapter 14 - Road Trip

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Im going to be super nice and upload another chapter of this today :3 I can't not do it haha

Also I'd like to thank my friend who isnt on wattpad for reading this book, helping me out and reading the new chapters before they come out to critique them. If not for you I'd be lost :P


Briley’s POV

I slept with him in his bed that night, making an excuse the movie scared me, which it did, but I more or less just want to be in his arms. I felt safe in them because I really did believe nothing could hurt me when he was holding me.

I went to school in the morning with Zoey; Brody didn’t want to chance spotting Adam so he didn’t come with us. We met up with Dylan at the front and from then on he never left my side.

At lunch we stayed in our spot not wanting to get into another brawl; supposedly Elexis was packing pepper spray to ‘shoot in that bitches eye if she comes near me again’ so all of us made sure to keep her unseen.

The next two days went by much the same; I now slept with Brody without an excuse which helped entirely with my nightmares of my father. You may be wondering how I could stay over for a week and not get in trouble; well my parents are both drunks if you haven’t noticed and I’m invisible to them so they wouldn’t know if I was there or not. Thus makes it easy for me to almost completely leave.

I woke up stretching and yawning when I realized I was alone. My heart began to race as I looked over at the empty space Brody left. Where did he go? He’s never left me before…I saw a note on his pillow and snatched it trying to focus my tired eyes to read Brody’s sketchy writing.

‘Our date starts at three, I’ll be waiting downstairs.’

At the bottom of the note was a little heart that I had to blush at. The littlest things he does makes my heart want to jump out of my chest.

I looked over at the clock that read 1:15.

“Shit.” I got out of bed and ran to the duffle bag Brody and I used to stuff some of my clothes in when we snuck over to my place last night. It was nerve wracking to say the least but nothing happened, we didn’t get caught. I grabbed some black skinnies and a black long sleeved shirt that fit my body quite nicely and ran to the bathroom to take a shower.

I did my hair, well more like Zoey did it along with my makeup, before three o’clock. I didn’t look too bad, though I still looked like crap next to Brody.

“Do you know what Brody has in store for you?” Zoey asked putting all her makeup and hair supplies away; I shrugged and shook my head. I wonder what he’d do…movie? So original…Beach? After I walked out on him? No… I doubt he planned out a huge date because I didn’t deserve to be catered to like that. “Well when you get back tell me all about it.” She grinned and I nodded.

“Thanks Zoey.” I hugged her and walked out of her room and down the stairs. I saw Brody standing by the door when I got halfway down. He looked amazing, as usual. He wore a white t-shirt underneath a green plaid shirt that was open. His jeans were dark denim and his shoes looked like those expensive skater shoes. He was casual and yet so hot; I almost fell down the stairs just looking at him smile at me.

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