Chapter 10 - Busted

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2 Days Later

I pulled into the parking lot and headed into the studio. Dave was on the couch writing when I walked into the control room. I sat down beside him and he didn't look up. He looked up after he finished writing whatever he was working on.

"Good morning," I said with a smile and he smiled back as I handed him his coffee. He leaned forward and kissed me.

"Morning. Thanks for getting the coffee this morning," Dave replied.

"What's wrong? Did something happen? Is this because it's d day?" I asked"

"Nothing, no and what the fuck is d day?" he replied.

"Date day. I tried canceling it but he won't let me do it without rescheduling it," I answered and he nodded. "Ok what the hell? Did I piss you off already?"

"No you didn't. Jordyn was just a bitch this morning. Not trying to be an ass to you. I also don't want to think about your date," Dave replied as he gave me a small smile and gave my knee a squeeze.

"That's why I said d day in the first place. What did she do now?" I asked. She had picked a fight him everyday this week so far.

"I'm apparently not spending enough time with her or the kids now. I come home from here and do nothing but be with my girls. She doesn't talk to me unless it's to yell at me or to fight. I can't win with her. It's been two and a half months of this shit now," Dave replied and I just felt bad for him. He looked hurt whenever he talked about her.

"I'm sorry," was all I could say as I patted his knee.

"I don't understand what changed. I really don't," Dave said as he looked at me. I stroked his cheek gently a couple of times and he closed his eyes. I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek and he smiled a bit.

"No more talk of her. It's my time and when you're with me you're suppose to smile and laugh," I said as he opened his eyes and turned to face me.

"You're right. It is your time and I'm wasting our alone time complaining," Dave responded with as he put his coffee down and pulled me onto his lap.

"Hey careful. I don't want to wear my coffee," I said before I reached over and put it beside his.

"Sorry. So what are you going to wear to break this guys heart tonight?" Dave asked as he started moving his hand up my thigh and under my dress.

"Probably this since it seems to have you wanting what's underneath," I replied as he kissed my neck.

"I always want what's underneath because it's you. You smell different," Dave said and I gave him a weird look. "I mean you don't smell like your normal vanilla."

"Oh I put actual perfume on instead," I responded.

"I like it. Shit we don't have time. We'll have to sneak off at lunch time again today," Dave said after looking at the clock on the wall.

"Well good thing I got a dress on today. Let's get out of this position before someone comes in," I said back. I was about to get off Dave's lap when Taylor walked in.

"I knew it. I fucking knew it," Taylor said when he saw us.

"Taylor before you blow your top, let's just talk this out," Dave said as I got off of Dave and sat beside him after grabbing my coffee.

"You're fucking married Dave. We've already talked about this. She's going to get hurt," Taylor fired back. I tried to make myself as small as possible.

"I know that but you also know what I've been going through at home. I told you something during that talk. What did I tell you?" Dave shouted back and I got off the couch.

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