Chapter 45 - Waldo's Been Found

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3 Days Later - Feb. 10/19

I woke up the day after coming home from the hospital and wasn't completely surprised to be alone in bed. Stephen Gerald Hawkins had been born at 11:52 PM on February seventh. We had both been discharged after two nights in the hospitals. I was happy that Abby and Taylor now had their little one but I was tired beyond tired. I was also relieved that Jordyn kept the girls so that I could relax and rest a bit. I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom and was a little shocked at how dark the circles under my eyes where. I got in the shower and then went and changed into a new set of pjs before heading downstairs. I found Dave and Lachelle cuddled up on the couch watching tv. I walked around the couch and Dave smiled when he saw me.

"Hey there beautiful. How you feeling?" he asked as I sat down beside them.

"Okay I guess. Just hungry," I replied as Lachelle moved over onto my lap.

"I can go make you something if you want and bring it up to you if you want to go back to bed," Dave said and I gave him a look.

"I just woke up and I think I can stay down here and hang out. I just want this little one right where she is," I said back. I wrapped my arms around Lachelle and gave her a hug and a bunch of kisses which made her laugh.

"Ok I will go and whip you up some food. Maybe you could go pump so that they don't run out anytime soon," Dave suggested as he stood up.

"Right I guess," I said softly as he headed to the kitchen.

Lachelle and I headed upstairs to her room. For the next six to nine months I would be pumping so the baby could eat. It was better than dumping it because Lachelle stopped and moved on to formula. While I pumped Lachelle played with her toys and once I was done, we headed back downstairs. As soon as I walked into the kitchen shortly after Lachelle did, Dave handed me coffee.

"Oh my god my knight in shining armor," I said before taking a big sip. Dave took the milk form me and did whatever as I sat down at the island.

"You look like you need it. Did you sleep much last night?" Dave asked as he went back to cooking what smelled like bacon and eggs.

"Not really. Your mumbling didn't help," I responded with.

"I don't mumble in my sleep," Dave exclaimed.

"You were last night. Maybe you where just dreaming," I said and looked down at Lachelle who was pulling on my pants. I picked her up and held her on my lap.

"Probably. Lala would you like some bacon and eggs too?" Dave asked as he put a plate down in front of me.

She shouted yes and then grabbed a piece of my bacon and started chewing on it. When Dave had finished making himself a sandwich and Lachelle her egg and bacon. I stole one of her bacon slices and she just looked at me with her mouth and eyes open in surprise before smiling and eating her eggs. After we all finished eating we headed back to the living room and decided to watch both Charlie's Angels movies. Dave went to put Lachelle down for her nap after the first one while I put the second one in. When he came back, Dave sat down beside me and pulled me into him as I started the movie. We were half way through the movie when the gate buzzer went off. Dave and I looked at each other confused because we weren't expecting anyone or anything. We both got up and headed to the door. Dave hit the button to open the gate and we stood there waiting. When the doorbell rang, Dave opened the door and my mouth fell open.

"There she is," my mom said when she saw me.

"Mom," I said in complete shock as she ran into the house and hugged me. I didn't hug her back and just waited until she pulled away.

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