Chapter 49 - Here We Go Again

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8 Months Later - February 15, 2021

Lachelle - 3 Years

Stephen - 2 Years

Taylor - 10 Months

"I'm so tired," I said as we got into the hotel room. We had been touring for the past seven months roughly. We stopped for Christmas and went right back on the road. We still had another four months of touring ahead of us but I was exhausted. I was working but also running around after a three year old.

"You're tired? You did not just play a 3 hour show for hundreds of people," Dave said back.

"I know I know but I am," I said as I sat down on the bed and yawned. I started taking my boots off while Dave just stared at me. When I was done I looked at him and I could tell he was thinking.

"How have you been feeling other than tired?" he asked.

"Fine I guess. I've just been really tired lately. Probably just because I work and take care of Lachelle at the same time and I'm not used to it. I also wasn't working the last tour or there for most of it so I'm just not used to this. I'm fine Dave so please stop looking at me like that.

"You're just tired. Ok I get it. How about you crawl into this nice big comfy bed and get comfy. I'll go shower and if your still awake when I get back then we'll have some fun. If you're asleep then I will just snuggle up to you and sleep as well. It is our last night together after all," Dave said. He then kissed my forehead and started towards the bathroom.

"We'll be gone two days and three nights Dave. One day for appointments and then Jordyn is letting me take the girls for the day so they can hang out with Lachelle. Then we'll both be back here with you where we belong until this tour is done. You can also bet I'll be awake when you get out of there because I'm coming with you," I said in response as I got up and followed him.

The next morning Dave and I woke up and got ready to take me and Lachelle to the airport. We said our good byes and then headed into the airport. Lachelle slept most of the flight so I was left with my own thoughts. I had decided to take these days when I had started getting more tired than usual and not feeling great most days. When we landed we headed home and spent the rest of the day watching movies. Virginia and Lisa came over that night for dinner and to see Lachelle. Taylor G stopped by with Rumpel too and I was happy to see him. The next day Jordyn dropped the girls off and we spent the day doing whatever they wanted. Jordyn invited Lachelle and I in for dinner when I dropped the girls back off at home and I was kind of surprised. Since Dave and I had gotten married she had been trying to make nice. It was now the 18th and we were on our last appointment for the day, my doctor's appointment. Lachelle was cranky and sitting in the corner when the doctor came in.

"Hey Brittany. I thought you were bringing your little one with you today?" Dr. Smith asked as she came in and closed the door.

"I did. She's just over in the corner being cranky. We're going home for a nap after this," I said in response as I pointed towards her. Dr. Smith then turned around and saw Lachelle sitting there glaring at as.

"Well there you are. Are you a tad on the cranky side today?" Dr. Smith asked her as she bent down to look at her. Lachelle just nodded as a response. "I think I can fix that. Why don't I get one of the nurses to come and take you to go pick out a toy from the chest for you take home." Lachelle's eyes went wide and then she smiled slightly.

"Otay," she said in response.

Dr. Smith then called someone on her phone and asked for a nurse. She started giving me my yearly check up and was doing my blood pressure when a nurse came in. Dr. Smith asked the nurse to take Lachelle to the toy chest to let Lachelle pick out a toy and to keep her busy for a bit. Lachelle waved good bye as she left with the nurse and I smiled and waved back at her.

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