Chapter 22 - Playing Hookie

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I woke up the next morning before Dave and headed downstairs to make breakfast and coffee. I set up a tray and made pancakes. I put the finished pancakes on the tray with a bottle of syrup and two cups of coffee. I carried the tray upstairs carefully and kicked open the door so I could walk through. I put the tray on my desk and walked over to the bed. I kissed Dave on the cheek and he opened his eyes.

"Good morning," I said and then stood up. I walked over to the desk and picked up the tray. I walked back to the desk, grabbed my laptop and got on the bed with Dave.

"You treat me way too good. Good morning to you as well. When you going into the studio?" Dave asked as I opened my laptop and started Bates Motel.

"When I'm ready. I'm having a cup of coffee with my man and some Bates Motel before I get ready," I replied as I grabbed my coffee from the tray.

"Did you eat?" Dave asked and I rolled my eyes.

"I'll take a muffin when I leave," I responded with.

"Fuck that. Open," Dave said.

I opened my mouth and shoved a fork full of pancakes into my mouth. Dave then took a bite himself and smiled at me. This continued as I watched an episode and drank my coffee. When the episode as done, I got off the bed and walked over to my closet. I opened the doors and stood there looking for a bit.

"Did you sleep in that last night?" Dave asked as I pulled out the sparkly boots I wore in Seattle.

"Uh huh," I replied without turning around. I was wearing a light pink satin bra and matching shorts.

"Wow," I heard Dave mutter as I picked out a pair of black jeans.

"Wow what?" I asked and turned around to look at him.

"I'm surprised I didn't make a move on you last night," Dave replied.

"You were kind of out of sorts last night. I will wear it again tonight and you can make as many moves as you want. Oooo I like this one," I said and pulled out a black and white striped shirt.

"Don't go in today. I know James is teaching you the board but play hooky with me. We can go to the field and have a picnic. We can stay in this bed all day and watch Bates Motel. Just stay home and be with me," Dave said after he got out of the bed and turned me around to face him.

"Dave you're tempting me but I want to go to the studio. I like working there. I also need the money," I responded with.

"I'll still pay you for the day but play hooky with me," Dave said and I started laughing.

"That is so wrong. You could always come with me," I said and Dave made a face.

"This is the one day I have to do absolutely nothing. I don't want to go to the studio and work," Dave said as he walked back and sat on the bed.

"How about I go work a half day and have lunch with Taylor and then come home and we can do whatever you want," I said as I started getting undressed.

"Okay but first you need to come over here and let me put some moves on you before you put anything on," Dave replied as I took off my shorts. I walked over to him and he pulled me down onto the bed for some morning fun.

Later That Day

"See you tomorrow James," I said as I poked by head into the control room.

"I thought you where here for the day?" James asked as he turned around. I leaned against the door way as I answered.

"I was but something came up. Dave said he needed me," I said. The truth but not the whole truth.

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