Chapter 37 - What's In A Name

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5 Weeks and 3 Days Later - December 2nd

35 Weeks and 3 Days

Dave had hired people to decorate the house for me because he was at the studio alot and didn't want me on my feet. They had come yesterday and did the house and got the tree set up for us to decorate this weekend. That I wanted to do as a family thing. They decorated the whole house but I insisted they leave the tree alone after putting the lights on. We had the girls this weekend and we were doing it after dinner tonight. We had a done a family bump shoot at Jacob's insistence that morning before Dave had to go to the studio. The girls and I were sitting down watching The Peanuts Movie when the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it," Violet said and got up to get the door. She opened the door and held it open as Abby walked in.

"Looks like it's a girls day," Abby said as her and Violet joined us in the living room.

"It is. Dave's at the studio working on something with a band or Josh. I don't remember. He could be working with Butch for all I know," I responded with as Ophelia snuggled closer to me

"He's still working on something with Josh? You don't think it's another vultures record do you?" she asked excitedly.

"Maybe. You never know with those two. What brings you over here today?" I asked as Abby got comfy on the couch.

"Needed a break from all the baby making," she replied. I could tell she was upset so I decided to excuse ourselves.

"Girls we'll be right back. We're just going to go talk in the dining room," I said. They said okay and we stood up and walked across the entrance way to the dining room.

"What's up?" I asked once we sat down.

"We keep trying and it's just no good news yet. We thought last month that maybe we had finally gotten lucky and we had but it didn't last long. We've kept trying but I'm too emotionally drained to keep trying," Abby replied. I felt terrible for what she had gone through and that her and Taylor weren't having much luck.

"I'm so sorry boo. I love you and I hate that this happened to you. You deserve your chance to be a mom. Maybe you and Taylor should take a break and just go back to doing it for fun. Don't make sex a thing you have to do or else it becomes like a job. Be spontaneous and do it in the backseat of a car or the stairs," I said as I remembered our date night from a few weeks ago.

"We've been doing that. We did it at 606 last night after Dave left to come meet Jordyn and the girls but it's just becoming a little over whelming. I miss just cuddling up and watching a movie with him until we fall asleep. The stairs?" Abby questioned when she finally caught on to what I said.

"The girls were all with Jordyn and I couldn't keep my hands off of him and about half way up," I said but she stopped me.

"I get the gist. You be careful with my god daughter. Don't be bumping her against the stairs while Dave bangs the shit out of you," she responded with and I giggled.

"I was on top so I was banging the shit out of him," I said back and we both started laughing like crazy.

"Oww Ophelia stop it," Harper said from the living room and we both looked over to see what was going on. Ophelia was sitting on Harper's back as she laid on her stomach on the floor watching the movie. Ophelia was pulling Harper's ponytail. I couldn't help but giggle as I stood up and walked over to them.

"Phee let's go to the kitchen and let the girls watch their move in peace. We can paint pictures for daddy," I said.

"Okay," she said and got off of Harper.

She took my hand and we headed into the kitchen with Abby. We spent the rest of the afternoon painting and coloring and just having fun. Violet and Harper came and joined us after they watched another movie while doing their homework. We were still painting when I heard two familiar voices coming towards the kitchen. Dave and Taylor came around the corner shortly after with lots of pizza, beer and a tub of ice cream for me.

"Oh my god I love you," I said when he put the ice cream in front of me with a spoon.

"I know you do. What you girls up to?" Dave asked as Taylor put the beer in the fridge.

"Painting pictures for the baby," Ophelia replied and held up a picture. Dave took it and smiled wide.

"It's beautiful Fifi. We'll put it on the fridge once it's dry," Dave said as he put it behind him on the counter. He then wiped his finger on a napkin and I tried to hide my giggling but I snorted which started the girls laughing. Abby started cleaning up the island while Dave got the girls plates ready and Taylor got the girls to wash up.

"You know I can do stuff right?" I asked as Dave put a plate in front of me as well and Abby sat down beside me with one.

"I know but you're already sitting and you get tired opening the fridge," Dave said as he put a water in front of me too. He kissed the side of my head and I smiled as I opened the ice cream.

"Makes you wonder," Taylor said with a smirk as he sat down beside Abby.

I figured Dave had told him about the stairs like I had with Abby and didn't press it because of the girls. We sat around and talked about the new album while the girls watched Frozen behind us yet again. We all sang when Let It Go came on which sent the girls into hysterics. Once the movie was done, we said good night to Abby and Taylor and then Dave headed upstairs with the girls to get them ready for bed. I cleaned up the kitchen a bit and then settled down on the couch to read with the rest of my ice cream. I was completely stretched out on the couch with the book leaning against my bump while eating the ice cream when Dave came into the kitchen.

"Well look at you actually relaxing. We need proof of this," Dave said and started pulling out his phone.

"You take a picture of me right now and you will sex deprived for more than the 6 to 8 weeks the doctor recommended after the baby arrives. Which brings me to the fact she still needs a name," I said back. Dave put his phone away, picked my feet up and sat on the couch before putting my feet on his lap.

"Okay spit ball me some ideas," Dave replied as he started rubbing my ankles and feet.

"Dave I can't do that. Every name I've wanted you've shot down. We had a name but you didn't like it because it reminded you of an ex from the early 2000s. My other name choice was stupid," I said and he looked at me.

"Ok give me two names and I'll pick one right here right now," Dave said.

"Ok fine. Priscilla or Lachelle," I said back.

"We could call her Lala if we named her Lachelle," Dave said after awhile and I smiled.

"Does that mean she's no longer nameless?" I asked as he started rubbing my belly.

"I think so. Lachelle Virginia Taylor Grohl. My little Lala," he responded with.

He leaned over and kissed my bump. He stayed in that awkward position and kept rubbing and kissing my belly as I read. He talked to her and told her how much we all loved her and couldn't wait to meet her. She happily kicked away as he talked to her and I felt extremely happy. I couldn't wait for our little one to arrive.

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