Chapter 26 - Missing You

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5 Weeks Later - March 29th

"I gotta hand it to you. This place looks amazing babe. Only things left to do is the studio and move you in here," Dave said as we walked back downstairs.

"August Dave. I'm not moving in until August," I said back and headed towards the kitchen.

"I know but you could start packing and bringing a box over here and there. I hate you not being here," Dave responded with as I opened the fridge and took out a water.

"I stay here most nights and when I go home you come with me most nights. We spend a total of two nights apart a week. I will consider your idea though. Woah hey I think we've done this enough today," I said as Dave put me up on the counter.

"You may think that but I could always go for more," Dave responded with. He was about kiss my neck when the doorbell went off.

"Saved by the bell. I gotta go shopping anyways. You need food for your weekend alone with the girls," I said. I hopped off the counter and grabbed my purse as we both headed to the front door.

"Wish I could go with you. I'd love to see you on the beach in a bikini," Dave said as the doorbell rang again.

"Just get the door Mr. Grohl," I said and kissed him on the cheek.

I headed over to my place and decided to pack up a few boxes. There really wasn't any harm in taking a few things over. It was all going to be going there in 5 months anyways. I also packed for my weekend trip. I had managed to book a couple of modeling jobs but this was the first one where I had to go out of town. Dave was not too thrilled about me going out of town for the shoot but I constantly reassured him he had nothing to worry about. I left tomorrow morning and came back Sunday afternoon. It was our last night together so I packed a special bag for tonight. I then put the boxes and bags in the back of my car and headed to the grocery store. I headed back to Dave's and found him on the swing in the front yard with a guitar. I walked over to him and sat down beside him.

"Took you longer than I thought it would," Dave said as he started something new. He had been playing it for the past couple of days.

"I went and packed for my trip. I'd love to sit here and listen to you play but I have some groceries and boxes to carry in," I replied and stood up.

"Did you say boxes?" Dave shouted as I walked away.

I turned around, lifted my sunglasses and winked at him before I started walking back to the garage. I opened the trunk and started picking up bags. I noticed Dave coming over to the garage as I headed inside. I walked into the kitchen and started putting stuff away as Dave brought the last of the bags in. He kissed me on the cheek before going back to the garage. I was done putting the groceries away when Dave came back into the kitchen.

"Your boxes are in the hallway. Where do you want them?" Dave asked with a huge smile on his face.

"Those can wait. I think that hot tub needs to be used," I replied as Dave grabbed an apple.

"I will find a guy to fix it right now. I'm making steak tonight so you don't have to worry about anything. You just relax and do what ever you want and let me take care of you for once," Dave said.

He walked over to me and gave me a kiss before walking over and sitting down at the island. I opened the fridge and took out a mike's hard lemonade and walked out of the kitchen. I grabbed the special bag for tonight off my suitcase before heading upstairs. I stopped after a couple of steps and looked back at my suitcase. I smiled when I saw it was by the door and headed back upstairs. I changed into the bikini I had brought from my place. The bottoms tied together at the sides with little groups of beads along the top while the top looked like a mermaids top. I put on my peacock feather dress over top, grabbed my pink mermaid heels, a towel and headed downstairs with my drink. When I walked past Dave with high heels he gave me a look before talking.

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