Chapter 23 - Home Sweet Home

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3 Weeks Later - Feb. 13

I was a week late and every day I kept more and more freaked out. Abby knew something was up but Dave and I kept it to ourselves. No need to get her worried too. I was sitting on the couch with my pink blanket on my legs watching a movie but not really watching it as I waited. I was waiting for Dave and Taylor to get back from going out and buying more boxes for Abby. Taylor had asked her last week and she of course said yes. She had to work today but she had the rest of the week off to move. I turned the movie off when I heard the front door open and stood up. Taylor came around the corner with boxes and I waited for Dave but he didn't come.

"He told me to tell you to meet him upstairs. You two are acting weird lately. Everything ok?" Taylor asked as I headed towards the stairs.

"Ya we're fine. I better go see him. We'll be down in a bit," I replied and ran upstairs. I found Dave in my room.

"He's on to us. I asked him to stop at the drug store so I could get condoms and he gave me a look," Dave said as I closed the door.

"He knows I'm on birth control that's why. Did you get it though?" I asked.

"Yes and I got condoms as well. Had to keep the cover up," Dave replied and I laughed a bit.

He reached into the bed and handed me the box. I looked at it before taking it and then kissed him on the cheek. I went to the bathroom and did what I had to do and then walked back to my room. I put the test on my desk and then sat down next to Dave on the end fo the bed. He grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze as we sat there and waited. I had set a timer on my phone for when it would be done. I closed my eyes and put my head on Dave's shoulder. This isn't what we had planned at all. We were going to wait until everything had settled down, including us. I wanted a baby more than anything but I wanted to be married first. When the timer went off, I opened my eyes and looked at my phone while Dave walked over to the desk. I sat there and watched him pick it up. I waited for him to turn it over and tell me I was pregnant but he sat back down beside me. He took my hand again and looked at me.

"We're in this together so we look at it together. Ready?" Dave asked.

"Not at all," I replied and Dave squeezed my hand. He turned the test over and I closed my eyes.

"See I told you just a scare. You can check for yourself," Dave said. I opened my eyes and looked at the test. There was only 1 line and I sighed slightly.

"What if it's a false negative?" I said and Dave rolled his eyes at me.

"You still have one more. Use it in the morning like they tell you to. If you're still worried and you don't get your period, make a doctor's appointment. I'll even go with you. I'm pretty sure if you were pregnant it would show up by now. Let's go help Taylor before he packs something of yours," Dave responded with.

He gave me a soft kiss on my lips before pulling me up with him. He threw the test out and we headed downstairs to help Taylor. The rest of the day we packed up whatever was Abby's from the kitchen and the living room. When Abby got home we headed out for dinner. We came home and had a few drinks before we went our separate ways. That night I laid there awake for what felt like forever. I finally dozed off and when I woke up with my alarm, I felt like I hadn't slept at all. I removed Dave's arm from me and got out bed. I went into the bathroom with my phone after I put on my bath robe and took the other test. While I waited, I looked at myself in the mirror. I tried to imagine my belly all big and round. I wanted this but I didn't want it now. I was already getting called names from everyone imaginable after Dave's PDA a few weeks ago. When my phone went off I looked at the test and breathed a sigh of relief. This test also said negative but there was a faint second line. Maybe I was just stressed. I walked downstairs and called my doctor. I made an appointment with my doctor for tomorrow afternoon just to be on the safe side though. I headed back upstairs, took of my robe and got back into bed. I tried to go back to sleep but Dave had woken up and had other plans.

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