Chapter 48 - Panic At The Wedding

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The Next Day

The next day I woke up at two pm and felt like a truck had hit me. I sat in bed and just stared at nothing for a couple of minutes before I got up and started getting ready for the day. Our rehearsal was at four and the dinner was at six. I got dressed in a white dress. It was floor length but it was sheer and had a shorter slip dress underneath. I walked out of our room as Harper came out of Lachelle's room. Thy both stopped and stared at me.

"Mommie pretty," Lachelle said and I smiled at her.

"Thanks sweetie. You girls look great. Where are your sisters?" I asked as we started towards the stairs.

"They're in Violet's room. Fifi is trying to help her find something to wear but Violet thinks she looks weird in everything," Harper replied with an eye roll.

"Well maybe I'll go help her and you can take the girls downstairs. Where's your dad?" I asked as we walkedto Violet's room.

"He left about an hour ago with uncle Taylor and Stephen. Auntie Abby is downstairs with baby Taytay," She replied as I knocked on Violet's door. I heard Violet say come in and I entered to find her looking in her closet.

"I can't find anything to wear. They all look weird now," Violet said as she turned to face me.

"Fifi go downstairs with Harper and Lala please. We'll be down in a bit," I said. Ophelia hopped off the bed and headed down with her sisters.

"I look weird in my dresses now," Violet said as she stood in front of the mirror.

"No you don't. You look beautiful," I said back as I sat down on her bed.

"Are you sure? Maybe I should wear pants," she said and started for her closet again.

"Violet you look great. Are you saying this because you shaved your head again?" I asked. She turned around to look at me and just nodded. I then patted the bed beside me and she came and sat down. "Sweetie you look great. You did this because you wanted to. You look fantastic and you're being yourself. If I didn't love my long hair so much, I'd shave my head in solidarity," I said.

"I think dad would freak if you did that," Violet said and we both started laughing.

"He probably would. Hey I got an idea. Let's go to my room and we'll put some make up on you and then we'll go to the rehearsal," I said in response.

We headed to my room and I put some make up on her. We then headed out to the hotel where we would be getting married and staying at. We ran through it a couple of times before heading to a restaurant for the dinner. We were having fun and just enjoying the night. Tomorrow everything would be hectic and I was not looking forward to it. Before we all went our seperate ways for the night, I gave the bridal party flannel shirts with brides maid on it. I had one made for Abby that said maid of dishonor. I was already wearing mine because I was cold and hadn't brought a jacket. When it was time to go Dave took the girls with Taylor back to the house and I was off to a hotel with the bridal party. I decided to go to bed instead of joining everyone in Abby's room for drinks. I just stood in my room and looked at my dress hanging there and it just hit me that I couldn't do this. I grabbed my phone, the room key and left the hotel. I called a cab and waited for it. When it got there, I got in and told him the address to 606. When I got there I paid the guy and headed inside. I walked intot he control room and saw Dave in the other room playing the drums. Dave stopped when I walked into the room and looked surprised.

"Well this is a surprise. What are you doing here?" he asked. I didn't answer I jjust started crying which amde him come over to me.

"I don't know if I can do this. I mean I want to get married but the dress and all the people. All of them staring at me and that's just a lot of pressure," I said as we walked back into the control room. I wasn't making much sense but I was having a full blown panic attack. Dave and I sat down on the couch and he held me as I tried to calm myself down. Once I had stopped crying enough to focus on my breathing, Dave moved so he was kneeling in front of me.

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