Chapter 43 - First Birthday

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7 Weeks and 5 Days Later - January 7/19

Lachelle - 1 Year

34 Weeks and 4 Days

I woke up to a hand on my face. Last night we had brought Lachelle into our room because she wouldn't go to sleep. We stayed up most of the night with her but eventually Dave needed sleep to drive Harper in the morning and I spent the night on the couch with Lachelle. She had eventually gone to sleep just before Dave got back and I was finally able to sleep. Now I guess it was time to wake up. I felt the bed shift before I could open my eyes and then felt what I knew was Dave's facial hair on my cheek.

"That tickles," I said and wiped my face after he had moved away. I opened my eyes and saw Dave and Lachelle both looking at me.

"Sorry but I thought it'd be better then another smack. It's almost lunch time and I thought the three of us could go out and have an outing. Eat, shop, maybe go to Norman's and finally pick out your Christmas gift," Dave said as I sat up. Dave had told me on Christmas that we'd go to Norman's so I could pick out a bass.

"Oh ya maybe. Thank you for letting me sleep," I replied with a sleepy smile. Lachelle crawled over to me and I picked her up. I gave her a big hug and gave her a bunch of kisses all over her face which made her laugh.

"Hey you let me get sleep so I could get Harper off to school so it's the least I could have done. I changed and got her ready before coming to get you. There's a small cup of coffee on your night stand for you to drink while you get dressed. We're going out for our daughter's first birthday. Don't look at me like that while you're holding her. Can you get ready and watch her while I get that?" Dave asked as the phone in the hall started ringing.

"Go I got this. Owe let go of mommy's hair," I replied.

I untangled Lachelle's hand from my hair as Dave left the room. I turned the tv on and put a cartoon on. Lachelle turned to watch it, so I put her in the middle of the bed and grabbed a dress from the closet and put it on. I walked out of the closet and she was leaning over onto Dave's pillow watching the cartoon. I walked into the bathroom and grabbed my hair brush and came back out so that I could keep an eye on her. I sat and watched the cartoon with her while I brushed my hair and had some of my coffee

"Oh look at you two. God I'm lucky," Dave said as he leaned against the door frame.

"We're pretty lucky too. We got a great daddy," I said back with a slight smile on my face.

"You ready to go beautiful?" he asked as he walked over to me. I looked down into my cup of coffee and then back up at him. I shook my head no and Dave just kissed the top of my head before sitting down in front of me and just watched me drink my coffee.

"Are you going to watch me until it's finished? If so I can make this last at least another hour," I said and took another sip.

"No I'm just watching you because I want to. Is there a rule saying I can't look at my fiancé?" Dave asked. I smiled, bit my bottom lip while ducking my head down and blushing. I then looked down at my ring and my smile got even bigger.

"I saw that. Have you thought about a date at all yet or are we just enjoying this for awhile?" Dave asked

"Yes you can look at me and we are totally enjoying this for awhile. I need to finish cooking this bun, then we can go on the vacation with the girls and Jordyn and then I will start thinking about a date," I replied. Lachelle crawled over and onto Dave's lap and looked up at me.

"Sounds good to me. Should we get going?" Dave asked as I finished my coffee.

"Yes let's go get this over with," I replied.

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