Chapter 28 - Not Feeling That Great

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3 Weeks Later - April 23rd

"Yay it's off. I can stop looking like a proper lady when I drink," I said as Abby and I walked out of the doctor's office

"Yay we can celebrate later. T is bitching that Dave won't help pack up your stuff and wants us back at the house," Abby said in response.

"He's probably drinking a beer or he found my teddy bear bag. Let's go save your man," I said and we headed back to what use to be our place.

Since the guys had scheduled a few shows here and there throughout May, June and July, I decided to dedicate at least a few hours of a day boxing up my life yet again and moving in with Dave. After I sprained my wrist, I barely stayed at my place. I had moved all my clothes over and Rumpel's things. I was more than ready to move in but I was working a lot at the studio and booking things for the upcoming shows so I didn't get a lot of time to pack. When we got to my place, we headed inside and found Taylor packing a box in the kitchen. I went upstairs and found Dave on my bed with a beer.

"Babe what are you doing?" I asked as I leaned against the door.

"Fucking taking a break. You going to bust my balls like my man wife downstairs," Dave snapped at me.

"Your man wife is trying to hep out because I thought you wanted me to move in. My bad if you don't. I'll just tell our best friends to stop helping and that I need to go get my shit from your place," I said back and turned to walk away. I was about to walk away when I heard the bed move so I turned back around and saw him standing. He motioned me over with one finger so I walked towards him after closing the door.

"I'm sorry for snapping. I got a call from my lawyer about the divorce and Jordyn is just being a bitch. She wants more than what I'm giving her already. Plus I also have Harper constantly asking if she can live with us because she hates it at home and I just wanted a small break. Then Taylor started bitching cause I was drinking a beer and then I came up here with another one and found your teddy bear bag. Then you showed up and here we are," Dave said as he pulled me into him.

"Well Jordyn is a bitch so that's not a surprise and if Harper wants to come live with us then I'm ok with it. I know you don't want to break up the girls but if she's unhappy then talk to the she devil and work something out. You guys need to make sure the girls are happy right now. I'm sure the she devil wants all her girls happy and might let Harps come stay with us," I responded with as he walked us back towards the bed.

"I'll talk to her. Should we go help them or have a little fun?" Dave asked.

"You can wait until later. Let's go help them before one of them comes up here. We should bring this for later though," I said and grabbed the teddy bear bag. I put it in my purse and we headed bag downstairs.

We got the kitchen and most of the living room packed up before we called it quits. I paid for pizza and beer as a thank you. After we all headed back to our own places. Dave and I unloaded the van and put the boxes in the dining room. We started going through them and keeping what I wanted.

"Do you really need this?" Dave asked as he held up a glass angel with red wings, halo and holding a red heart.

"Umm yes considering that was the only one left and it just happens to be your birth month," I replied. Dave then turned it around and looked at it before putting in on the table. I watched as he reached in and pulled out another wrapped figurine. He unwrapped it and then stared at it.

"You have a lot of weird little knick knacks," Dave said as I walked over to him.

"All these weird little knick knacks are part of my childhood and memories. Wait until the dolls get here. Let's go to bed. I can do this tomorrow," I said as he put an arm around me.

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