Chapter 44 - We Got A Wedding Date

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4 Weeks and 3 Days Later - Feb. 7/19

39 Weeks

"I hate being pregnant. Please don't make me pregnant after this please. I just want to get drunk," I cried as Dave held me on the couch.

"I won't I promise. You have a week to go and then you got this. Just keep the goal in your head," Dave said back to me.

"Abby and Taylor will have the baby they've been trying so hard for," I said as I pulled away from him. Dave kept rubbing my back as I started breathing in and out.

"That's right. Focus on that and not the reason you're upset," Dave said. I had started crying because my back was killing me. I was sitting on the edge so Dave moved behind me and started rubbing my lower back. I started to calm down as Dave rubbed and I just focused on my breathing.

"Wait whose picking T and Abby up at the airport?" I asked.

"Chris is. You need to relax and stop stressing over things. I know one way to relax you," Dave replied and kissed my shoulder.

"Lachelle will be up any minute and I do not feel sexy enough. I'm sorry babe," I said. I felt bad for turning him down but there was no way I would enjoy it right now.

"It's ok. Maybe later I guess," Dave said. He sounded defeated and I felt bad.

"Ya maybe later. You know I love you right," I said as I leaned back into him a bit. Dave wrapped his arms around me and rested his hands on my belly.

"I do know and I love you too. Don't feel bad for turning me down. I can wait Britt. We don't need to do it all the time," Dave said and kissed my cheek. Lachelle then started saying mama over the baby monitor so I got up and headed upstairs to her room.

"Mama," she said excitedly when she saw me.

"Baby girl," I said back as I lifted her out of the crib. I put her down on the floor and she grabbed my hand so we could walk downstairs. When we got to the top she squealed at the site of Dave.

"Dada," she then screamed and he smiled at her.

"Lala," Dave said back as he came up the stairs.

He picked her up once she was in reach and then we all headed downstairs together. Over the past four weeks we had just stayed home and watched movies or played games. Dave was also writing when he got a free minute which was usually when Lachelle and I were both napping. I had also started looking into stuff for the wedding but had yet to set a date. I kind of knew what I wanted for flowers and the cake but that's about as far as I got. I was just not feeling in the mood for it. Lachelle and I settled in the living room while Dave excused himself downstairs. I put on Monster House and watched it while Lachelle played with her little kitchen set up that Dave got her for her birthday. Five minutes into the movie Lachelle brought over some plastic cups and then her teapot. She poured her teapot over the cups and then looked at me. I picked up the cup and pretended to drink it.

"Mmm it's so good. Thank you sweetie," I said.

"Britt can you come down here please with Lachelle?" I heard Dave yell from the basement

"Dada no," Lachelle said and waved her arm in the direction.

"Come on. Daddy needs to see mama," I said as I put the cup back down. I stood up as Lachelle started walking towards the front door. I was almost to the stairs when Dave came up. He carried Lachelle down and then waited for me at the bottom.

"Ok I'm down here. What do you need?" I asked as I walked over to the chair and sat down.

"Ok do you remember way back when Josh and I were working on something? It was right around when we found out you were pregnant with this little one?" Dave said. He tickled Lachelle as he said this one and she laughed and I just melted. I loved watching them together. It almost made me want to have another kid right away. I said almost.

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