Chapter 13 - Motorcycle Mama

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I woke up the next morning and realised I was alone in bed. I sat up and looked around. Dave's shirt was on my desk and his small bag was on the floor by my closet. My door was open slightly and I could hear noise downstairs. I got out of bed and took a quick shower. I brushed my hair and put on my bathrobe afterwards and headed downstairs. Dave was standing at the stove cooking when I got to the bottom. I walked into the kitchen, up to Dave and kissed him on his back.

"Good morning beautiful," Dave said as I wrapped my arms around him.

"Good morning. That smells good," I replied back as I kissed his back again before going and getting coffee.

"It's almost ready. So you excited for our bike ride today?' Dave asked as I grabbed creamer out of the fridge.

"I guess. I'm slightly terrified and may try to keep you in bed all day to avoid it," I replied as I poured the cream into my coffee and put it back in the fridge.

"You can try all you want but it won't work. You will be completely fine. Your eggs m'lady," Dave said as he turned around with a plate in one hand and a huge smile on his face.

"Thank you. You do realise I'll be clinging to you for dear life right?" I said as I sat down and he joined me with his own plate.

"I'm perfectly fine with that. Eat up so we can get on the road," Dave responded back with.

We ate our breakfast and drank our coffee. Dave went up to shower and get ready while I put the dishes in the washer and cleaned up the kitchen. I went out for a smoke and then headed back inside to get ready. I headed upstairs, into my room and opened my closet. I pulled out a pair of jeans, a pair of flat knee high suede boots, a biegey brown jacket and a white shirt. I put on my jeans, a bra and ankle socks and was about to put my shirt on when Dave came into my room. I smiled at him before putting my shirt on. Dave got dressed while I struggled to get my boots on. Once I got them on, I stood up and put my jacket on. I was looking in the mirror at my outfit when Dave came up behind me.

"Beautiful as always. We gotta stop by the studio before we leave. I put something there Friday after everyone left for us to have today. I can go get it and come back for you or we can go together and go from the studio. Up to you Britt," Dave said as he held me. We both just stood there looking in the mirror at each other as he held me.

"Fuck it. Let's go together. If I die, I die," I said suddenly and threw my hands up. Dave let go of me as he started laughing. I started heading downstairs and was almost to the bottom when he caught up to me.

"Wait for me and you're not going to die. You sound exactly like Jor," he stopped before he finished saying her name. I was at the bottom of the stairs and I just turned around and glared at him.

"I know that was almost a completely dick move and I'm sorry," he said as he joined me at the bottom.

"It's fine. Already forgot what you said. Are you sure we can't just stay in bed all day? I'll do that thing with my tongue that you like so much," I said as I grabbed my keys and sunglasses.

"As much as I want you to do that thing with your tongue, I'm going to have to say no. You already said fuck it and let's go," Dave responded back with as he opened the door.

I pouted as I walked out the door. I gave my keys and phone to Dave and he locked up as I put my sunglasses on. When he was done, Dave put the keys in his pocket, grabbed my hand and we headed down the stairs. I was scared out of my mind already. I squeezed Dave's hand when we got to the bike and he kissed the side of my head before walking up to it and grabbing one of the two helmets. Dave walked back over to me and put it on for me before putting his own on. I leaned against the back of my car and he got on and backed it out of the spot. Once he was done, he waved me over so I walked over and got on. Dave put my arms around him and told me where to put my feet. When he started the bike, I jumped a bit and held him tighter. I kept my cheek pressed to his back as we drove to the studio. When we got to the studio, Dave ran inside and came back out with a picnic basket. He attached it to the bike and we had a smoke before we got back on headed to where ever the hell he had planned to take me. When we finally stopped and Dave turned off his bike, I got off and looked around. There was a field on one side and trees on the other.

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