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(Narrator's Pov)

We all have our own story.

They are all different.

Some are more positive and happy than others.

Where some are the total opposite.

But the point is...we all have are own story.

A story to tell.

Also similar to dreams and expectations everyone holds.

They are all different.

Justin Bass.

One of the most wealthiest men on earth. He lived the life of every mans dream. A perfect family, a wife he adored and loved the fullest by his side, complete with three precious children. At a point in time, his life was perfect. His story was perfect.

But things changed.

A change so vile, that it changed every aspect of his life.

It changed him.

Suddenly, the smile which once played on his face, faded. 

It faded to point, it was no longer existent. 

They fought, she lied, she kept secrets, and she left him.

Two years later and the hole in his heart of betrayal remained to be taken care of.

Ava Rose.

She was just an ordinary girl. A city girl, raised by her single mother. The twenty-two year old lived a simple life, facing the struggles of money in the large world around her. She had just graduated college, but was indeed of a job. Any job.

So when her loving mother suggests a job for working for a famous CEO, she doesn't hesitate to take up the offer.

Only then, do both their lives change.

The job wasn't what she expected - working as a Nanny to three Bass children. 

Nonetheless, she accepts, only in hopes to pay off her financial issues.

But somewhere along the lines of business, it crosses into their personal lives.

Money suddenly doesn't seem important anymore, only the mysterious closed off man does.

The man with a hole in his heart.

The unfolding.

A story about two different people, with complete opposite attitudes.

Ava Rose and Justin Bass.

They created a story of their own.

The unfolding of their love.



(AN) Hey guys! Oh my holy moly, so I just wrote that and I'm so damn excited for this book. This book will have a similar relationship to Lea and Eric, from ARRANGED and the Sequel BOUND. I am super excited to write this book, I have so many ideas planned for this and I hope you all will enjoy this story. Also this will be out on June 30th, I know it's a long wait, but it will be worth it. Trust me :)

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