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(Ava's Pov)

Biting down on my bottom lip, my fingers swiftly moved against the keyboard of the beautiful, black, piano. Justin had brought it for me. It was the surprise he had gotten me, but I hadn't got single a chance to play since our date night.

But now I was sat behind it, letting my fingers dance across the keyboard. A small smile curled onto the corner of my lips, as the familiar melody sounded in my ears. It was a melody I hadn't played for... years. I still managed not to forget it.

But how would I?

My fingers suddenly stilled against the keyboard and I closed my eyes, exhaling sharply. And there it was. That ball of pain harshly attacking my heart. A sudden bile built itself in my throat and I felt sudden unstoppable tears prick my eyes. 

Playing this beautiful instrument, it would only lead to tears for me. Having my fingers play that familiar melody, it would only cause my heart to hurt. That was because of the memories, the wonderful cherished memories I had kept with me decided to rewind in my mind. Taunting me.

I found my hands shaking, a sob willing to fall from my lips. A perfect memory had managed to build in my mind. Him sitting by the piano while I sat beside him, lifting my small body up to peer at his hands moving across the keyboard. I can still remember the closeness I felt to him those moments. 

What I would do to have that again...

I snapped out of my thoughts when hearing the door open. My hand hurriedly reached out and wiped away the fallen tear that managed to leak. 

"Hey," The familiar husky voice said. "Kelly told me you'd be in here. It's nice to see you finally putting it to use, I was starting to regret buying you it."

I cleared my throat, slowly glancing up at him. A small smile was on his lips, but then his eyes narrowed and he slowly sunk down in the empty seat beside me.

"Hi," I whispered with a half-smile. I didn't have the strength to give him a full one. 

His eyes remained narrowed on me, a frown pulling onto his lips. It was almost as if he was studying me. Trying to find out what was wrong on his own, but then he gave in, letting out a deep sigh.

"What's wrong, Ava?" He questioned softly. My heart drummed in response. I shook my head, not willing to tell him what was running around in my mind. Truthfully, it was mostly because I didn't have the particular strength at the moment to be straight and tell him.

"Ava," He quietly called, reaching out to take my hand in his. I felt a spark of warmth shoot up my arm, warming my insides. His touch just had the power.

"All this time I've learned to open up to you, to trust you with whatever fucked up shit that happened in my life as well as my thoughts..." He trailed off. "I want that for you too. I want you trust me, firecracker. I want you to open up to me."

My response to him was silence. He wasn't wrong. In-fact, completely right. There was no fault in what he was saying, but my hesitant mind told me not to tell him right away. 

"Please, Ava." He whispered a short second after, probably noticing the conflicted expression playing on my face. Glancing up at him from the keyboard of the beautiful black piano, I felt my heart taking over and the words leaving my mouth before I could put a thought to them.

"My dad was piano teacher... a professional pianist. He was a talented man. Could play various instruments as well as having a soft voice that sounded beautiful when he sang." My words were shaky as were my emotions.

"When I was eight, he started giving me lessons on how to play piano." I gulped out, tightly shutting my eyes. "He taught me all sorts of songs. Basic ones, like nursery rhymes to slightly complexed one's such as his favourite by Bill Withers; Ain't No Sunshine."

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