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(Justin's Pov)

A heavy groan, full of frustration and annoyance, left my lips.

I couldn't find it anywhere. That damn blue folder was nowhere in sight. I searched everywhere, sorting through my piled, messy desk draws, shelves, and even the old book shelf perched up against the wall.

Irritated, I raked a hand through my hair. To add onto how I felt, was the boiling heat floating around in the air. As well as thinking about the amount of sleep I'd be loosing whilst looking for the folder.

Cursing to myself, I pushed my selves up to my elbows, unbuttoning my shirts buttons. I licked my lips, wondering where was the last place I had put it. Sighing to myself, I tried my hardest to retrace my steps.

Exactly then did realization hit me across the face.

I sighed to myself, making my way over to the door. I had left it in my room this morning. I was checking over the folder, until Kelly informed me that breakfast was ready. I must have discarded it with my hurried actions.

I inwardly cursed myself for being so irresponsible. That folder was important. It contained each and every of my customer of the month, showcasing their every single plan and in detail. I was an idiot to let it fall out of my sight so easily.

Striding over to my door, I shook off my thoughts. However, exactly then did I heard a soft sound. My ears perked up and I found myself freezing on spot. I was in the middle of the hallway, standing a few steps away from my door.

My brows furrowed and I slowly took a step forward. The soft sound grew closer and I pieced that the gentle sound, was someone singing. A female singing. My heart tugged strangely and I found my eyes glancing over to the guest bedroom beside me. Well, previous guest bedroom. Now it belonged to her.

Even if I didn't agree with that or her presence here in the slightest way possible.

Shaking off my thoughts, I hesitantly took a step closer towards her door, making out from the dim lighting in the hallway, that the door wasn't fully closed. I took another step, followed by another. The gentle signing grew louder in my ears.

It was when I took one last step forward, I was standing by the door-frame, peaking behind the nearly closed door. My eyes landed on her. She was laying on the large bed, her body covered by a silky blanket. Beside her, was my four year old son, staring up at her whilst tightly clutching his old teddy bear.

Mr Berry... I think his name was.

Shock and surprise drugged my body as I watched her full, pink lips move, a soft voice filling my ears as she sang a melodic tune. Her voice was...beautiful. It was soft, gentle, and had a little hum to it. Drew was cuddled up to her, looking entranced by her angelic voice. And she, she brushed a hand through my son's hair, softly singing a lullaby to him.

I continued to watch through the almost closed door. She continued to sing, the sound oddly...pleasing my ears. It was strange - insanely strange. However, I had no control over the urge to listen to her sing. Her voice was simply enticing and that, on another level.

My eyes darted back to Drew, whose eyes eventually began to flutter close. His body soon fell into a slumber and the tight hold on his teddy loosened - barely. I sighed to myself, glancing away at the ground for a second.

It was truly sad. It was truly sad that my youngest child was suffering. It was truly sad that he lacked in isle of care and affection. It was truly sad to see him so closed off and at such a young age. It was truly sad that he was like mute.

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