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(Justin's Pov)

I read over the notes Linda had taken and emailed to me about the meeting I had missed. Yes, I was the CEO and it was vital for me to attend every meeting (especially important ones) but I called in and informed her my presence would be missing as I had certain matters to deal with.

Matters such as my ex-wife suddenly returning out of thin air and creating nothing but complete destruction on any possible happiness in my life. She had that power. That power to come and steal away my smile and replace it with a frown. Effortlessly, she could do that.

And I hated that I let her.

But what I hated even more was the mixed emotions running around inside of me. There were two parts to me. A larger part of me was filled with nothing but anger, rage and simple frustration at the fact she had the nerve to return back into our lives and expect us to welcome her like nothing had happened. And then there was that small, minor part that almost felt... sympathetic for her.

The realization stirred a larger fire full of rage within me. I didn't quite understand why I was feeling any source of sympathy for Gracie, when I should have been feeling the complete opposite. I mean, the woman walked out of mine and my families life two years ago as if it was nothing. 

So why on earth did I feel sorry for her? Even if it was the slightest bit?

My phone suddenly vibrating snapped me out of my thoughts. I glanced away from my laptop's screen and to my phone. The screen was lit up, showcasing a notification that I had received a text message. I reached out to pick it up and read over it.

'How'd it go?' - Jaxon.

My finger hovered over the keyboard, my mind forming a response of its own, but it didn't flow down to my fingers. Instead, I found myself locking my phone and putting it back where it was. I wasn't ready to share how I was feeling. Mostly for the fact I had no real clue.

I was a mess.

And it was all because of the same woman currently under my roof, probably chatting away to my mother and catching up on whatever. Discarding the fact she had been missing from our lives. And here she was, casually back in my house. 

Under my roof.

The sudden reminder of knowledge I already knew flashed through my mind. I don't know what came over me, but I found myself shooting up from the chair I was sat on and heading to the door, my feet leading me to where they wanted.

I felt my jaw tighten as I bounced down the stairs, hands curled into fists as I neared towards the living room, hearing distant voices. My mother's and of course her's. Not giving a single shit if I was interrupting their conversation, I charged into the room like I owned the place - because I really did.

My eyes flickered between the two, watching as they both silenced at my sudden presence. Obviously showing they weren't expecting me.

Too bad, Gracie. It's not like we were expecting you.

"Justin?" Gracie called, the hope in her tone clear. I had no idea what she was hoping for, but the thought made me inwardly snort.

"Get the fuck out of my house," The words left me, a coldness attached to my tone. Color drained from Gracie's face and her green eyes widened in apparent shock.

How long did she expect for me to tolerate her presence?

"Justin, Drake." My mother snapped from where she sat, right beside Gracie. I spared her a glance, before glaring back at Gracie. I hated seeing how comfortable she looked sitting on the sofa. She lost the right to feel comfortable in this house the second she left.

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