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(Ava's Pov)

The sun brightly shone down on us, causing my body to sweat from the strong warmth and heat I felt. The sky was bright and blue, a small amount of clouds scattered around. A warm breeze danced around in the air, jabbing at everyone constantly. 

Chatter and laughter sounded in my ears, mixed with little childish squeals and shrieks. A group of little children I had never seen before in my entire life, were chasing each other about, ages ranging from 3-11.

The group of parents were sat in their own space, drinking away from their cool glasses filled with light alcoholic beverages, some drinking juice. They too were people I had never crossed paths with before, but were sat in the spacious backyard, engaged with their own personal conversations.

It was a beautiful late afternoon. Even more as it was little Drew's birthday today. Fifth to be exact.

A grin curled onto my lips, eyes darting to where he was. In his Auntie Jazymn's lap, sipping away on his strawberry milkshake, topped with cream and sprinkles. It was Kelly's secret birthday treat for him.

His birthday party was being held in the back garden. There were a few balloons tied to outdoor furniture and hanging from the wooden patio pillars, as well as the washing line holding a 'HAPPY FIFTH BIRTHDAY DREW' banner Jaxon had gone out to make for the occasion.

On short notice, Justin had Jazymn phone up and gather a few of Drew's friends along with one or two of Mason and Aria's. Inevitably inviting the parents too. It was a small party. And there wer roughly twenty or less guest.

Nothing compared to Ms Pattie's birthday party.

Feeling a sudden presence snake up behind me, arms were thrown over my shoulders and wrapped themselves around my neck. I didn't have to think twice, already knowing whose arms they belonged to.

"Enjoying yourself?" His low husky voice questioned. I blinked, my smile growing as I placed my hand over his.

"Not as much as the children seem to be... and the parents." I gestured my head over to the group of adults, around seven of them, who were busying laughing at whatever. "They're definitely soaking this opportunity up to get a break."

He hummed in agreement, slyly sneaking his hands lower and letting them casually rest on my breast. I glanced over my shoulder at him, shaking my head at the amused smirk playing on his pink lips.

"Lift your hands up, perv." I muttered. "There are children present."

We held a stare, mine slightly on the verge of being a hard glare as his were full of determination and a graze of amusement. Just when I thought I won the stare down we openly shared in-front of everyone, he groped my breast firmly and slyly let them drop. I could do nothing but laugh.

Justin took a step back and I exhaled, finding my hands fidgeting with the end of my summer dress. It was a dark shade of red, a v-neck with the torso fitting me and at the waist, the dress flowed out, reaching a little over my mid-thigh. A pair of flip flops protected my feet.

"You look beautiful," Justin whispered, his hand grasping mine. I snapped out of my thoughts, glancing up at Justin with a slightly flushed face and smile.

"Thank you," I managed to get out, trailing my eyes across the length of his body which was covered by a pair of black shorts and a white polo shirt. His hair was slightly messy, falling to the side, managing to make him look even more hot. "As do you."

His lips curled into a small smile, making my heart jump. He squeezed my hand, gesturing his head in a way to follow him. I gladly did, unable to keep my eyes off his back as he guided us over to the table where adults drinks sat at. He stopped, picked one up and handed it over to me.

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