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(Ava's Pov)

Maybe I was wrong. Maybe I was overthinking and not understanding at all. Maybe what was happening, was something good. Maybe it was vital, symbolic in a way we were just yet to figure out. Maybe this is how things were just supposed to go.

Maybe, just maybe everything would end up all good in the end.

Nothing but maybes played through my mind. The thoughts continuously jabbed at me, not once fading away like I had hope they would. I wondered aimlessly, irritating myself with the mixed thoughts building in my mind.

And it was all because of the words shared between Justin and I yesterday. Last night, I felt more insecure than I ever had. I felt like a fool as I sat in the living room, thinking, realizing, fully comprehending that Justin's ex-wife, Gracie Lopez, was going to be staying under this roof. 

I didn't care what Justin had to say or whatever reason he had. The fact that he was allowing her to simply stay under the roof made it all crystal clear to me. He was letting her back into his life. That itself told me that over time, he would let her back into his heart. And that really... really scared me.

So when Justin arrived home and came to sit by me, I spoke my thoughts. I let my insecurities and fear talk for me. But now that I think about it, I realize... maybe I was in the wrong. What I said didn't come out as I had hoped. I hadn't thought and had let the words spill out from me, too heated in the moment Justin spoke of letting his wife stay under his roof.

"Stupid, Ava. Always have to let fear get to you." I muttered to myself, heaving out a sigh as I frowned. If I hadn't acted out that way, maybe things between Justin and I would be fine. Maybe he would have stayed with me, cuddled, and opened up to me on his own. I just had to go and ruin it by opening my mouth.

Hearing sudden footsteps sound in my ears, I snapped out of my thoughts and glanced over at the doorway. Kelly stood with a laundry basket hitched on her left hip as her eyes landed on me. She seemed to be watching me with a frown.

"Sweetheart," She called with confusion. "Is everything okay?"

Wordless, I sent her a false smile, nodding my head.

She sighed, walking further into the room and over to the breakfast bar, placing the laundry basket on a stool. 

"Sit," Kelly softly ordered, patting the top of any empty stool before wondering off to fish through the kitchen cabinets. Slightly confused, I hesitantly listened and took a seat on the empty stool. I silently watched as she flipped on the kettle and pulled out two coffee cups from the cabinet. It was then I realized she was making me some sort of hot drink.

"I hope you like tea. It's something new I wanted to try out." She shared, putting a teabag in each cup. I lightly smiled, hearing the kettle shortly go off. Kelly picked up the warmed up kettle, carefully adding a small amount of boiled water into each cup before pouring a dash of milk in each cup.

"How much sugar?" She glanced up at me.

"Two spoons," I cleared my throat. Nodding, she did just that, pouring one spoon for herself. Shortly after she had stirred them and taken out the teabags, she placed the cup in-front of me, making me mumble out a small thank you in gratitude. She smiled, taking a seat across from me.

"Now," She picked up her cup. "Tell me what's wrong, because I know there is something."

Pursing my lips, I stared at the granite counter, oddly entranced by the stones natural design. I let my thoughts rewind in my mind, sighing when I realized I really needed to talk to someone about this sooner or later. Thankfully, I had someone willing to listen right across from me.

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