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(Ava's Pov)

My heart was beating fast. So fast I was scared it'd reach its climax and then pop. Just like a machine overheating. I felt like my heart was overbeating. If that was possible.

I glanced down at Drew, making sure he was fast asleep. His chest slowly moved as he lightly snored, showing me just how tired he was. I ran a hand through his hair, pushing it back. It amazed me how similar he looked to Justin. From his nose, to his hair. He looked like a much younger version of him.

Though I could see features on Drew, as well as Aria and Mason, that Justin didn't have. For instance, their pulling green eyes. They were beautiful, emerald colored with a natural twinkle in them. And then there was their slightly tan skin. Natural looking.

I wondered how beautiful Justin's ex-wife was... Gracie, I think her name was. I bet she was any man's dream. Stunning body, gorgeous features and an alluring personality. She probably had Justin the exact moment he saw her. In-fact, any man.

An odd feeling bubbled up inside of my stomach. My mind involuntary painted a picture of her, suddenly adding Justin into it. The feeling was similar to how I felt when Justin went on his date. That same feeling every human despised to feel. It was powerful, it was annoying, it was something, alright.


Shaking off my thoughts, I focused them back on something relevant. The little boy sleeping in-front of me.... And his father.

Screwing my eyes shut, I bit my lip. My mind was unable to stop itself from thinking back to the words he all so lowly, erotically whispered in my ear.

"Come outside when you've finished putting the children to sleep."

He had said, his sneaky hand groping my behind for a short second, before he retracted his hand back, letting it casually slide back into his pant pocket. He hadn't even listened for a reply, which would have been a heavy breath. 

My heart jumped from the reminder of his words that he had uttered nearly an hour ago. I slowly stood up from the bed, making sure Drew didn't suddenly awaken. I kept my eyes focused on him as I slowly backed out of the room, quietly closing the door behind me when I stepped out.

A sigh left my lips. I bit my bottom lip, feeling my heart once more begin to pulse faster. I didn't know whether it was from nerves or excitement. I could truthfully feel both those emotions flying around my stomach. It was like butterflies.

Or should I call them flutterflies...

Pushing my thoughts to aside, I inhaled a deep breath before taking a step in the direction that would lead me to exactly where Justin told me to meet him. My feet quietly moved against the stairs, the wooden floor and soon enough I was standing by the kitchen doorway.

It was a full moon tonight. It brightly shone in the sky, giving its own natural light. I smiled at its beauty before letting my eyes drop lower. I furrowed my brows, glancing through the glass window, in search for Justin's figure. 

However, I couldn't spot him anywhere. My feet led me closer to the backyard door, a hand of mind absentmindedly lifting to flick on the kitchen light. I continued to walk further, soon standing by the closed the door. 

Oh God... What if he had stood me up?

I frowned to myself, a hand on the door handle. 

There's only one way to find out...

Twisting the door handle open, I pushed it open. With a confused frown, I stepped outside, feeling my bare heels meet with the cold cement ground. I glanced around, the only light provided from the bright moon and the pool.

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