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(Ava's Pov)

A heavy groan fled from my lips, attracting unwanted eyes. I hurriedly diverted my eyes to the ground, still feeling the lurking eyes of strangers on me. I cleared my throat, slipping my iPhone out from my jean pockets, trying to distract myself before I did something stupid.

God, people could be so nosy.

I inwardly rolled my eyes, unlocking my phone before several notifications popped up on the screen. Pursing my lips, I lent back against the wall, feeling it vibrate against me with its movement.

Some notifications were just about apps that needed updating, where as others were ads and offers. I muttered under my breath, feeling a few eyes glance at me. I ignored them, continuing to keep my gaze focused on my phone.

Then another text popped up. My brows pressed together and I tapped on it, seeing my mother's name in bold, capturing my attention. 

'Call me' - Mama.

It was a short, simple text, but that didn't change the fact that it held so much behind it. The last time I talked to my mom, was roughly a month ago. So, it felt foreign for me to receive a sudden text from her, and that too, being one to call her.

A low sigh left my lips and I tucked my phone back into my pocket, for the time being. A few more minutes ticked by, and then the voice spoke, announcing we had arrived at my awaited stop. I hurriedly picked myself up from the wall, already seeing people make their way over the doors.

My eyes suddenly locked with an elder woman, her dark-grey hair tightly tied into a bun. Her blue eyes narrowed and a swirl of competition grew within them. I smirked at her. She glared back at me. 

As soon as the double doors spread open, I didn't hesitate to shuffle my way out, budging the old granny's hip against mine.


Fresh air entered my nostrils and I breathed it in, closing my eyes for a short second. My sneakers moved against the ground, as I made my way out the subway, trying my hardest not to be engulfed by the crowd of high-class working business men and women.

It was rush hour and on a Friday. I was surrounded by people, and the ones wearing that smart attire, I could easily identify why they were here. Jobs, they had jobs - unlike myself. They were employed, earning a salary, working, doing business things. I, on the other hand, was unemployed, desperately in need for a job.

Any job.

God, envy's a powerful, disgusting thing. I hate it, and I hate that I can feel it spark up inside of me when I see these business women and men. I want to be like them...sort of. Well, I want to earn a salary, so that I can get through another successful year of college.

But I can't.

And that's because I have no job!

Frustration built up inside of me and I was in need for a desperate distraction. That's when the reminder that I needed to call my mom, crossed my mind. Inhaling sharply, I retrieved my phone as I climbed up the stairs, passing the busy people who were carelessly pushing and shoving one another.

Looking through my short list of contacts (only around seven numbers) I found hers, tapping down on call. I huffed out a breath, bringing the phone up to my ear as I exited the subway, finally away from the crowded place. And just on cue, my mom picked up. 

"Hello, Ava?" She answered, sounding a mix of confused and surprised. I licked my lips, shoving my free hand inside my hoodie's pocket.

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