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(Ava's Pov)

Heartbreak... not something I'm entirely familiar with. That's for one simple reason. In order for a heartbreak to occur, you need to be in-love or have deep feelings for your significant other; their actions or words somehow triggering hurt, leading for your heart to break. I hadn't felt that before, or been in that situation.

However, as I stood by the doorway, watching the scene unfold before me - I could only feel that helpless feeling occur. It was like someone had a hold on my heart, painfully squeezing it, toying with it before letting it tumble to the pit of my stomach.

It was a foreign feeling... something I hadn't felt before in my life. But then as I let my eyes take in the sight before me - I could clearly feel it.

Her arms were tightly wrapped around his torso as her head settled to rest on his beating heart, which I foolishly believed to beat only for me. 

And that being something I saw not once - but twice.

Tears pricked my eyes as a shaky breath left my lips. I felt a lot of emotions run through my body, traveling as far and crazy as they pleased. My hands were shaking and what was happening to my heart was a whole other story. But I managed to sum it into one word.


My heart was breaking, and that because of the view of the man I had deep feelings for, letting his ex-wife tightly hold him. As if she was afraid to let him go. 

Now some might say I was overreacting, that I was blowing things out of proportion - it wasn't like I had caught them kissing. But after the words we had uttered to one another, and not only catching him like this once - it only worsened the hurt I felt.

However, the sadness I felt was only temporary. Because shortly after, I found myself irritated, frustrated and most of all - angry.

Did Justin honestly think I'd play the role of a fool while I watched him and his wife reconcile with one another? Did he think I'd understand that with no fight I'd happily agree? Did he really expect that from me? 

Because if he did - he was so, deeply wrong.

Drying my tears with my hand, I turned on my heels and without another thought began making my way up stairs. I charged down the hallway, my feet wondering over to the room I had claimed as my bedroom. However it wasn't. It was just the guestroom.


With uneven breathing, I twisted the door open and felt the awaiting tears, full of the three emotions I felt, escape my eyes. A quiet sob left my lips and through the blurry vision, I pulled open the wardrobe's door, met with my neatly lined up clothing.

I could have done two things that moment.

One, I could have walked away from my wardrobe, burying the unthought decision playing in my mind from the emotions I felt. Or two, grasp the clothing, and pile them away in my suitcase.

I found myself doing none.

That was because of the small whimper I heard behind me, snapping me out of my whirlpool of thoughts. Furrowing my brows, I turned around, only to find myself staring at Drew. Eyes watery and red, as his lips were posed in a natural pout, the clear tight grip he held on the strawberry scented bear I had gotten him. Mr Berry nowhere in sight.

Concern instantly jabbed at me.

"Drew, baby," I softly called, hurriedly wiping any tears from my face and going to kneel down before him. "What's wrong, sweetheart?"

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