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(Ava's Pov)

When I arrived home, I was greeted by the shock of my life. 

Before I arrived, I was busy thinking to myself as I walked back to the house. My day of college enrollment had gone great. I still had a secured position there and Pattie had already transferred my salary into my back account, allowing me to successfully pay for my last year without a struggle. And somehow still having a large dose of money left over.

It was on my walk back to house, when I was pondering about heavy thoughts - a sad realization dawned upon me.

I had only two days left. 

Time had past by, like a fast gush of wind, embracing my body and sending nothing but chills. It was almost as if it knew I wanted it to slow down, and decided to do the exact opposite. And I wasn't surprised at that.

Hope or luck was never on my side.

When the depressing realization hit me - I thought. I thought to myself carelessly, all sorts of questions winding through my mind. Sudden negative thoughts swirled around in my mind. And then it decided to worry me just a little further and create these awful scenarios that had no happy ending to them.

Well, for me that is.

It was just that one, same, question that replayed in my mind tauntingly, aimlessly capturing my attention.

What would happen after those two days were up?

Would everything end on happy terms? Was I ready to leave them, regardless if I had a choice or not? Would I stay in-contact with the children and everyone? Justin! What was even happening between Justin and I now? After I saw him embracing his ex-wife in his arms I couldn't help but feel slightly strange towards him...

I felt a lot during that walk home. Frightened. Worried. Afraid. Envious. Insecure. And most of all - stupid. 

Why on earth was I thinking negatively about this all? In-fact, I shouldn't even be thinking about it at all, let alone negatively. Yes, in two days my time as Nanny Ava would be up, but that didn't mean I wouldn't be able to come over to visit the children everyday. And Justin and I... well, we needed to have a much needed talk.

There was distance growing between us. I didn't like how it was progressing. I was afraid that if we didn't address it sooner or later - things wouldn't end well. And that... that really scared me.

After I had somehow managed to relax myself, telling myself I was just overthinking and my mind was just playing with me - I reached the house I was quick calling my home. A small smile sprung onto my lips when I wondered what the children were up to. 

I hadn't had the chance to see them earlier this morning, as enrollment took place at eight am. The children always woke up at nine or ten. But I could imagine what they were doing now that it was twelve pm. Mason would most likely be playing on his beloved PS4, while Aria entertained herself with her tablet or dollhouse. And then there was Drew who was probably happily watching either of them, or maybe coloring in a page from his coloring book.

I guess I would find out.

And find out I did.

When I rang the doorbell, I patiently waited for the door to open. Thirty seconds passed and nobody opened the door, so I rang again. But fifty seconds passed this time and still nobody opened the door. Concern shot through me when I was struck with the thought of any of the children being in harms and therefore they weren't opening the door.

But Kelly was home...

My hand flew out, finger hurriedly pressing down on the doorbell as I impatiently waited for the door to open. And then after at least another twenty seconds - the door slowly turned open. I let out a small breath of relief when I glanced down, finding Drew, who peered up at me from his small height.

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