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(Ava's Pov)

I swallowed, uneasy as I took great hesitance before stepping inside. Instantly, the sound of chatter entered my ears; people's conversations passing through my ears as I glanced around. My heart thumping greatly.

It was stunning. From the breathtaking interior design and displayed decorations, to the warm, social, almost cosy atmosphere. And somehow, it still managed to look like a business party, just welcoming to the guest.

I bit back a small smile, taking another step inside, letting my eyes wonder off. There were gorgeous women surrounding me, dressed in their finest silk and expensive gowns. As well as handsome men, dressed in their smart, clean-cut suits.

I suddenly felt different from them.

The people around me resembled models, people you'd only dream of seeing. Whereas I looked somewhat decent in the dress Jazymn had sent me last night, reminding me, or rather threatening me to be ready for the event I couldn't help but dread coming to.

A soft sigh left my lips as a spark of nerves mixed with excitement went off in the pit of my stomach. For some strange reason, I had a feeling I would be running into someone. Someone who managed to make my heart skip several beats and always leave me in a daze from the simplest things he said. He had an effect on me. I had feelings for him - strong feelings, still.

But nearly three months ago I had walked away and he had let me.

Emotion clogged at my throat and I harshly swallowed, nearly tripping over the end of my dress from getting lost into my thoughts. I shook my head at myself, embarrassed as I sheepishly glanced around and only hoping nobody saw that.

A breath of relief left me when I saw everybody was still too busy in their own conversations they hadn't seen me make a fool of myself. Or so I had thought.

"Hey there, Clutz." The familiar low voice entered my ears. My head shot up and a grin powered onto my lips when I saw who was standing across from me. His warm smile welcomed me and I didn't hesitate to throw my arms around him.

"Jaxon," I squeezed him. "It's so nice to see you again! How are you?"

We pulled apart and his smile grew larger. "Great, tomorrow's my first day at Bass Venues. What about you?" 

I cleared my throat, making sure the smile didn't drop my lips. "That's great to hear... but I thought you already worked with there? And I've... I've been fine considering everything."

He frowned at my nervous laughter. "No. I was unemployed for two years and lived off simple jobs I did from offers, nothing permanent. And I understand."

"You look great, by the way." He charmed. I tried to hide my blush, but it showed. I wasn't exactly used to getting compliments thrown my way.

"Thank you," I told him, my own eyes running over the length of his suit clad body, light blonde hair styled as numerous amount of gold rings covered his hands. "You look handsome, too."

"When don't I?" He joked, making me shake my head and let out a small laugh. Of course, how could I ever forget how cocky this man was?

"So, uh, 40 years of success for just Bass Venues or all family company's? Jazymn forced me to come here." I swallowed, pushing any questions about him that crossed my mind, far away. I wanted to avoid any talk of him as best as possible.

"40 years of success to Basses Venue." He narrowed his familiar hazel eyes on me. "Are you okay?"

I hadn't realized my face had gone red, flustered from the sudden anxiety and nerves I felt. I shook my head, before nodding, then shaking it again. Concern washed into his eyes and a frown pulled at his lips.

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