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(Justin's Pov)

I cleared my throat, unable to get rid of the lump sitting in there. I had come down with a cold, the late November weather managing to drug my body with unwanted systems. I ran a hand down my dark red sweater, sighing as I felt far worse than shit.

A sudden knock sounded on my office door. I grunted lowly, pressing down on the button on my desk, which would open the automatic doors. I took a seat back down in my chair, hearing my phone ring, indicating someone was calling. Most likely being my secretary; Linda.

I ignored it, focusing my eyes on my brother, Jaxon, who had strolled inside, wearing a small smirk. I raised a brow at him, questioning his presence. I wasn't expecting to see him.

"Justin," He greeted, walking towards the front of my desk and effortlessly claiming an empty seat before me, eyes glazing over my face. "You look like shit."

I rolled my eyes at his comment, clearing my throat. "I'm ill, you prick. What brings you here?"

"I figured. You might want to take some ibuprofen or some cold and flu tablets." He suggested, leaning back and getting his comfortable in his seat. "And business, of course."

I had went into work today, having to do some small inspections on my workers as well as sit through three long meetings, informing me on anything I needed to know or happened to miss. Although I was free to go after that, I decided to finish up the rest of my work here in the office, not believing I could stand another day pretending to act as if I was content with how life was going back at home.

I wouldn't be content until I had Ava back in my arms.

"I have. I've taken two, prescribed." I gruffly told him. "And business? What kind of business?"

"Good, continue to take care of yourself." He toyed with his fancy cufflinks. "And business to do with Bass venues."

"Which would be?"

He cleared his throat before speaking. "I'm ready to join Bass Venues. Whatever position it may be."

"Ah, I was waiting for you to say that, sooner or later." My lips curved upwards. "But are you sure you don't want to take another year off to think about that?"

He rolled his eyes. "No. I'm ready to work now."

Jaxon was twenty-four. He had graduated from college a year ago, managing to get a degree in business along with his other two chosen subjects. When he had graduated, I had offered him a job at the family company, but he declined, saying he needed time to think and wasn't sure if he'd like to stick the family roots. Marketing rather enticed him than public event holding.

"Very well," I nodded, clearing my throat. "How does head being head of Bass Venues advertising sound?"

He furrowed his brows, a spark of hope and excitement building in his eyes. "What? Seriously? Doesn't that guy... Garry hold that position?"

"Fortunately for you, I demoted him this morning for his lack of energy and input." I told him, leaning forward to straighten out the pile of papers on my desk. "The positions all yours, Jaxon."

I heard him let out a sharp breath, relief flooding it. "Thank you so much, man. Seriously, I appreciate you doing this."

"You're welcome," I grinned, happy that my brother looked so excited. "Your first day starts on Monday. Go enjoy yourself for the rest of this week."

He grinned and without any warning strode over to where I was, wrapping his arms around me in a tight hug. I rolled my eyes, shaking my head as I let out a small chuckle. Though my laughter came out as a nasty cough.

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