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(Justin's Pov)

Early update again, lol :)

Expect the unexpected.

A saying people use a lot nowadays. I've heard it before from my friends, my family, co-workers, books, movies, TV shows and even from other peoples conversations. It's three words, which imply that life is full of surprises (varying from positive and negative) and we should always keep that in mind.

Easy and simple as that.

However, sometimes we forget about that. Sometimes we forget that a surprise (bad or good) could be right around the corner. Sometimes we're left speechless, full of shock and disbelief. Sometimes things just happen and we need a moment to accept and realize reality. Sometimes, the unexpected happens.

And we should expect that.

However, I didn't. What I expected  to be a normal day - turned out to be the most unexpected one to come. 

I was sat on my leather chair, staring out the large window. I was unable to perish the thoughts of her lips against mine, as well as my hands moving across her perfect body. I couldn't erase the lingering thoughts, taunting and constantly reminding me that what I was doing was hypocritical; I was acting like a child by ignoring her.

But I couldn't not ignore her.

If I didn't, I would end up doing something more stupid. Besides, why on earth would I want to speak with her after the heated kiss we shared took a turn for the worst? It would just be awkward and tense between. Plus, I had my own pride. 

What kind of loser gets rejected like that? Well, not necessarily rejected, but something close along the lines. She did tell me to stop - but why, is the question. I could see the clear desire dancing within her blue orbs.

There definitely had to be a reason behind her halting me.

Sighing deeply, I let my eyes flutter close. And for a second, a small second - I simply thought to myself; how on earth did my life get this complicated? So many answers swam through my mind, flashing brightly and capturing my attention for a short second.

Was it when I started lusting after the brunette living under the roof? Was it when she entered my home; my life? Was it when Gracie left me? Was it when my marriage began to go downhill? Was it when I was handed the responsibility of becoming CEO of Biebers Venues? Was it when I decided to get down on one knee, making the most stupidest decision of my life? Was it when I decided dating Gracie? Was it when I fell in-love with Gracie? Was it when I met Gracie?

A sharp churning feeling attacked my stomach violently. It traveled around my body, leading to my throat. I had to exhale heavily, trying my hardest to shake it off. However, I was failing terribly. It was just so bad. So painful. So hurtful. So harsh. 

And then my eyes watered. My eyes pricked with tears; with water. I swallowed sharply, overwhelmed with the clear emotion of destructive frustration. I was right on the edge of having a breakdown. 

So close. 

But I stopped myself.

My eyes snapped open and the unfamiliar blurry vision, was wiped away with my fingers. I inhaled sharply, slowly standing up from where I was seated. I combed a hand through my hair, trying to control my breaths, as well as wash away the bubbling pot of emotions within me.

I stared outside the large window, slowly shaking my head at myself. I was disappointed. Not only at myself, but with my entire life. But that's just it. Life is full of disappointments. You could be anyone, hoping, planning for the best - but there's a fifty percent chance that in the end you would receive nothing but disappointment.

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