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(Ava's Pov)

My heart was skipping to a new beat. It was different, much different. I couldn't really describe it, but the second I woke up from a good night of sleep - I just felt different. Sort of like a part of me had changed. It was strange. Hard to put into words exactly.

Though, I had a feeling I knew who was behind the cause of me feeling this way. It might have been the words he had said to me last night, that had left me in a daze. It might have been the wonderful touch of his hands, and his warm mouth on my neck, leaving a mark for me to find the next morning. It might have just been the reality of my feelings for him. It might have just been all of that.

I sighed in content to myself, making my way downstairs.

It was two in the afternoon. The children were in the kitchen having their lunch, giving me sometime to head upstairs to my room and change my clothes which had previously been stained by the children throwing paint-filled balloons around in the garden.

How they got a hold of it, I wondered. But I concluded with the idea of Alex (Mason's best friend) being the one behind it. He had stopped by to check on how Mason was doing, and if his leg had healed. I wasn't blind to the large gift bag he had brought, slyly handing it to him with a smirk. 

Definitely Alex.

I raked a hand through my hair, furrowing my brows as I did a little double-check that no paint had gotten into my hair. When I pulled my hand back to examine it, I was relieved to find it bare with no surprising paint splodges. 

The heels of my feet met with the cool, wooden ground. I walked along the hallway, brows furrowing in confusion when hearing low chatter sound in my ears. Curious, I walked closer, recognizing it was male and female conversing.

"I know why he didn't want to come. Knew I'd beat his ass and feed him his own balls." Justin's familiar, deep, husky voice said. The sound traveled right where it wanted to.

"That's gross. And I don't even want to know what he done this time." A feminine voice, sounding way too familiar sighed. Chewing down on my bottom lip, I tried to piece who the voice belonged to.

"Anyway, let's start discussing mom's fancy smancy birthday!" The voice chirped and I pegged it as Jazymn.

Jazymn! That's it!

Shaking off my thoughts, I realized I had paused, standing inches away from the open doorway. I inwardly laughed at myself, noticing just how extra I could be. I began walking towards the kitchen doorway, already in sight. I hoped the children were finished eating whatever Kelly had prepared.

"Ava!" I stilled on spot, hearing Jazymn yell my name. I took a few steps back, standing in-front of the doorway I had just passed. She grinned at me, waving me over from the sofa she sat on. I furrowed my brows, a small smile slipping onto my lips.

Hesitantly, I stepped inside the room, feeling my heart jump just a little faster than it was before. I already knew it was because of the handsome male sitting inside. I kept my eyes focused on Jazymn, blocking out his gaze when I stepped further inside.

Surprised when Jazymn stood up, putting the open folder she had in her lap to aside, she stood on her feet and engulfed me into a large hug. I paused, before sharing the embrace, chuckling when she pulled me in just a little tighter.

"Okay... you're kind of cutting off my air supply here." I breathed, tapping her back, indicating she could let go now.

"Sorry," She grinned with an unapologetic shrug. "I just really like hugs."

"Yeah, I can see that." I playfully mumbled. Smiling to herself, she sat back down on the sofa and picked the folder back up. I chewed on the inside of my cheek, my fingers finding a loose thread to my black t-shirt and fiddling with it.

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