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(Justin's Pov)

My body was tense and the ache in my back was still there from previous nights of working out. But I was to blame for that. Along with many other things in life. 

Shaking my head at my thoughts, I ran a hand across my chin, feeling short hairs beneath it. I needed to shave, I mentally reminded myself. Entering the kitchen, my feet smacked against the black tiling I walked on. It was cold and sent a chill my way.

My feet absentmindedly wondered over to the fridge, feeling my stomach grumble and groan from not feeding it for four hours. I had eaten dinner, but then went straight back to working and using up all the energy from the plate of beef lasagna I had consumed.

Now my stomach was whining for me to feed it. And feed it I would.

Only if I were to find some food...

A deep sigh left my lips as I glanced over the fridge. It was stocked full of bottles of milk, butter, cream cheese, vegetables, fruit, meat, all sorts of other food. But there no was actual cooked meal. There was nothing I could just pull out and warm up.

Closing the fridge door, I wondered over to the cupboards, and searched through them. Once again, luck was not on my side. There was nothing I could eat. Groaning, I stood back up straight and did a quick glance over the kitchen. That was when my eyes landed on a packet of crackers.

But that wouldn't be fulling.

My stomach grumbled and I sighed, giving in and making my way over to the fresh packet of unopened crackers. I switched on another light, unable to see from just one. I pulled out the cream cheese I had spotted before in the fridge and picked up a butter knife. 

Soon enough, I welcomed creamed cheese cracker into my mouth. And then another. And another. Followed by the rest of the packet. I covered the garlic flavored cream cheese with its lid and chewed the cracker currently in my mouth. 

Man, never had crackers tasted so good.

When I had cleaned the knife and downed down a large glass of water, I cleared my throat and made my way over to the door. However, that's when I remembered the lights were still on.


I glanced up, my eyes naturally landing on the garden door. But that's when I saw her.

Sat by the edge of the pool, was the familiar brunette. Her back was facing me and from here, I could make out that her feet were placed inside the pool of water. My brows furrowed as my tongue swam around in my mouth, fishing for any leftover cracker pieces.

What was she doing out there so late?

My eyes darted to the clock on the wall, realizing it was two in the morning.

Sad... I really did spend my entire day in the office.

Pushing my thoughts to aside, I found myself staring at her. Her brown locks of curly hair looked stunning with the moonlight hitting them. I wondered what she was thinking about and more importantly why she chose this late at night to go out and take advantage of the pool we rarely used.

My feet had a mind of their own, giving into temptation and walking closer to where she was. They led me over to the garden, glass door, my hands twisted the door open and I took a step outside. It was only then I realized I was bare foot, but thankfully spotted a pair of Nike slippers casually placed outside the door.

I slid my feet into them and glanced back over to where she was sitting. She hadn't shown any indication to sensing or hearing my presence, since she hadn't moved an inch. I ran a hand through my hair, before letting it snake into my shorts pockets.

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