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(Justin's Pov)

The low voice of a male singing entered my ears. I walked further inside the unfamiliar place, seeing various lights hanging from the ceiling, a slight dim to them. Tables were scattered around everywhere, a range of people sitting by them, lost in their hushed conversations or busy listening to the male singing on stage.

I glanced around, seeing all sorts of awards proudly hung on the wall. As well as advertisement posters belonging to bar, announcing special dates and events. My eyes caught sight of a few people dancing on the dance floor, softly swaying along to the soothing music. 

I exhaled heavily. 

This was not how I wanted to spend my Friday evening. At some bar, searching for a leggy blonde, who had brown eyes and was wearing a sleeveless black dress. In-fact, this was the last place I wanted to be. I'd rather be at home, in my room, watching old reruns of the shows I barely watch, whilst dinner Kelly had prepared.

But here I was. In Blues Bar, dressed in a simple black button-down, paired with jeans and boots. My eyes forcefully searched over the place, looking for the woman Linda had described over text. My date. A leggy blonde, with brown eyes, wearing black.

Sighing, I carried my feet, walking past a few tables, low chatter sounding my ears. 

If I had the choice, I would have stayed at home. In-fact, I was having second thoughts. I so badly wanted to pull out my phone and text Linda that I couldn't find her anywhere, and it was pointless wasting time. But I knew she wouldn't buy it and would probably make her way down to Blues Bar and as planned, make me meet this leggy blonde.

Rubbing a hand across my chin, I licked my lips. The bar's lighting was dim and bright at the same time. It was for effect. More lighting for the man on stage, and less light for the audience. 

With squinted eyes, I managed to make out the blue bar on the right side of the bar. Switching directions, I began walking towards it, glancing around and still not catching sight of the woman Linda had hooked me up on a date with.

Inwardly shrugging to myself, I grew closer to the blue bar and managed to make out a few people sitting by it. An older man who seemed to be yapping away to the poor bartender. A couple, openly making out and a lonely looking blonde. 

My brows furrowed and I wondered if that was her. When she twirled around on the seat to look over at the stage, I scanned her attire and saw she was wearing a sleeveless black dress.



Forcing myself to walk over to her, I saw her eyes leave the stage and land on me. A slight wave of confusion passed through her brown orbs, and I nodded, confirming the thought I was Justin. Her date. A grin peaked out onto her red colored lips.

Here goes nothing.

"Hi, I'm Justin Bass." I decided to introduce myself first, holding out a hand for her to shake. She shook my hand, eyes bluntly grazing over my figure. I wasn't blind to the noticeable desire flashing in her eyes.

"Nice too meet you. I'm Delia Thompson." She introduced back, her shiny, bright, white teeth still in view for my eyes. 

Jesus they were white... definitely whitened.

Removing my hand from hers, I sat down on the free stool beside her, feeling her gaze follow. I glanced at her, not surprised to see her body turned towards me. I couldn't help but compare her to the certain brunette floating in my mind, as always.

Ava was a brunette. Delia was a blonde. Ava had blue eyes. Delia had brown eyes. Ava had a perfect sized breast, not too large, not too small and wonderful hips. Delia had noticeably large breast and a small hips. Ava had a refreshing, beautiful smile. Delia had a too posed, fixed smile.

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