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(Justin's Pov)

Shuffling down the stairs, I hurriedly approached the door. A spark of excitement mixed with eagerness was pulsing through my veins. Any second now, he would be here.

My feet touched the cool wooden ground, and I glanced over to the front-door, which was closed, soon to be opened. Ryan had called me about an hour ago, and decided that he wanted to come see his best bud (me) because it had been nearly a month since he had last seen me.

I agreed, only because I knew by hanging with Ryan, I could get a certain person off my mind. Also the fact I truly missed seeing him. He was family; a brother to me.

Hearing footsteps, I snapped out of my sudden trance of staring. I tore my eyes away from the large, wooden door and glanced over to my left. Stood by the kitchen doorway, was the familiar brunette.

Her blue orbs held a hint of surprise from my sudden presence, I presume. Her pink lips were drawn into a slight smile and her brown hair was pulled into a high ponytail, showcasing how luscious and inviting her neck really was.

Licking my sudden dry lips, I found my eyes trailing over her body. A red dressed hugged her body, ending inches above her knees. She looked...gorgeous. Even in a simple, plain dress - it managed to bring out her beauty. As well managing to make me feel tempted to rip the dress of hair and place my lips against each and every single inch of her body.

I shook off my mixed thoughts and cleared my throat.

"Uh, hey..." She trailed off, an uncertainty laced to her tone. I wasn't sure what it was about.

"Hey," I lowly mumbled, fixing up the unbuttoned buttons at the end of my khaki dress shirt. I glanced up at her, finding her eyes locked on the side of my face. When I caught her eye, she glanced away for a second.

"Are you headed somewhere?" Her gentle and soft voice questioned. I held her gaze, shaking my head.

"No, uh, my old friend's coming over." I smiled to myself. "I haven't seen him for ages."

"You're excited, huh?" She chirped, before a frown pulled at her lips. "That reminds me...I haven't spoken to Sasha for quite a while."

"Sasha?" I questioned, the unfamiliar name enlightening a spark of curiosity within me. 

"Uh, yeah, that's my roommate." Ava answered.

"Oh," I mumbled. "Do you both share an apartment of some sort?"

"Yep," She nodded her head. "We, uh, used to share a dorm during freshmen year, but eventually prices raised and we both mutually agreed to move out and into an apartment, which would be cheaper than the dorm price."

I nodded along, realizing I was learning more about Ava. The thought made my heart twist and my throat to churn. It was an odd reaction.

" you need anything?" She questioned. I arched a brow at her.

"I mean, with food or drinks." She expanded. 

"Oh, yeah. Could you grab a couple of beers? They're in the fridge. And some chips?" 

"Of course," She smiled at me. I found myself gazing right back at her, struck by the glint dancing in her blue orbs. Oddly, her eyes had a source of calmness to them. And it was strange how I was suddenly paying attention to them.

"Thanks," I muttered. Ava offered me another small smile, before turning on her heels and entering the kitchen. My eyes followed her movement, slyly sneaking down to her ass, which looked ravishing in that dress of hers. 

I tore my eyes away and inhaled sharply.

I'm such a fucking mess.

The doorbell suddenly rang, snapping me back into reality. A grin curled onto my lips and I made my way over to the closed door, behind where my life-long friend would be standing. When the door twisted open and I pulled it back, my eyes met with Ryan.

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