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(Ava's Pov)

It was the middle of a warm, hot, fiery night and I couldn't find myself able to sleep. Instead, flustered and sweating, I stared up at the high ceiling above from me. The comforter was rolled down by my feet, scrunched and full of wrinkles. And my pillow, I switched sides, placing my head on the 'cool' side.

A deep sigh of annoyance left my lips. Wasn't a rich CEO supposed to be able to afford an air conditioner of some sort? Because I'm sure he had loads of money to spend, especially since he owned such a large mansion house.

I pursed my lips, a thought crossing my mind. The rest of the house was air conditioned, I could feel it myself during the day, with constant breezy air refraining me from sweating like a beefy hulk at the gym lifting weights... So, maybe he purposely didn't turn on the air conditioning in my room?

My teeth grounded together in frustration and I felt a wave of anger boil inside of my stomach. How rude and annoying could someone be? Jesus, he could at least try and give me a break. I know he didn't like me, but letting me sweat like I was in desert of some sort - that was just cruelty right there.

Next thing I knew, I found myself sitting up straight in the large bed. My brows were furrowed as my eyes darted over to the clock, hanging perfectly on the wall. '3:50 AM', the digital clock read. I stared at it a little longer, before I stood up from the bed and slid my feet into my slippers. I straightened out my tank top, which had managed to ride up, and ran a hand through my hair.

If that frustratingly annoying man, thought he could get away with this - boy was he wrong. Confidently, I strode out of my brand new bedroom's door and walked down the hallways. However, that's when I paused.

What was I going to say to him? Was it really necessary to disturb him from his sleep now and give him an actual idea to fire me? Shouldn't I just wait to do this until the morning? 

However, I realized one very important question.

Which door led to his room?

Biting down on my bottom lip, I shoved my hands inside my pajama pockets and glanced around the hallway. My bedroom was on the right side, where as the children and Kelly's was on the left. That would mean his one would be on the right...right? Or it could either be the room, right at the end of the corridor, like a dead end.

Confusion bubbled up inside of me when I finally noticed the lights on in the hallway.

Shouldn't they be turned off? 

I hummed to myself and then suddenly, I heard a door being open. I took a step back, searching for the direction it came from. However, I felt myself step on a uneven piece of wooded floor, which let out a groan. Gasping, I whipped my body around, only to find Justin clenching his jaw as he held a look of pain.

"Jesus," He hissed. "Watch your fucking step."

I frowned, my eyes involuntarily trailing over his figure. He looked effortlessly good, dressed in a simple white beater, paired with grey sweatpants. His hair was ruffled and a mess - but looked good. 

If Sasha was here, she would call it 'Bed Hair'. I smiled to myself. Or was it 'Sex Hair', that she'd say.

"Why on earth are you smiling like a damn clown? You just stepped on my foot. An apology of some sort would be nice." He snapped, shaking me out of my thoughts. I blinked back into reality, slowly letting his words register in my mind, before a frown took over my lips.

He snorted to himself. "Oh yeah, that's right. I forgot your a child, stuck in a woman's body." 

I glared at him, hoping he could see it with the slight lack of lighting. 

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