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(Ava's Pov)

I couldn't sleep. I was restless. No matter how much I tossed and turned on the little amount of space I had on the bed, packed with four other bodies - I couldn't fall asleep. I wasn't uncomfortable, in-fact, it felt rather nice to have them all so close to me. All warm and together.

It was rather the turn of events which continued to play through my mind, keeping me up the entire night, till the next morning. I spent my night staring up at the ceiling, letting everything sink in. Before I moved onto the thoughts that were much overthought and would lead to nothing good.

So, it was around four am I decided to put my focus on something else. Someone else, to be specific. I turned around to face him, his head now resting on the pillow, Drew's little body curled into his left side as mine curled into his right side.

His dark blonde hair was piled on his head, looking to be ran through many times. His brows were slightly knotted together as he breathed quietly through his nose. A small smile broke out onto my lips, but faltering the second I remembered just what this man was going through.

But then I realized I didn't really know.

I didn't know what was going on his mind. I didn't know how he was feeling. I didn't know - and that was because yesterday he looked conflicted with defeat and anger, that he fell into my arms, seeking comfort. I suppose.

I didn't hesitate to give it to him, even if my mind was heavy with questions, so badly wanting to ask him them all. But I didn't, knowing it wasn't the right time. Instead, I locked those questions away, saving them for tomorrow morning where I would ask him and hopefully, he would answer them.

It was at five am, I had enough of taunting myself. So, I sneaked out of bed, somehow loosening the grip Justin had on my waist and crept downstairs. It was dark downstairs, mostly from the lack of lighting. However as I wondered into the kitchen, I was met with light. And cries. 

Startled, I froze on spot, fearful for a second I was hearing things. But then after a few seconds of the sound still entering my ears, I realized I wasn't imagining. My eyes flickered across the room, searching for wherever the sound was coming from, shortly landing on a figure, sat on the breakfast stool, dark-brown hair pooling on the counter as the body heaved with every cry that left them.

It didn't take me long to realize who it was. I stared at her for a few seconds, confusion swirling inside of me. Why was she crying in here? And more importantly, this late at night? The questions sped through my mind.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I cleared my throat and decided to ignore her.

Just like she had done to everyone else.

My feet led me over to the fridge, feeling her eyes dart over to me. I ignored the spark of sympathy I had growing for her as I pulled out the milk bottle, as well as a clean glass. I didn't pay her lingering eyes any attention as I poured in a small amount, closing the lid on the milk bottle.

It was when I was half-way done consuming the milk, she decided to speak to me.

"You're the Nanny, right?"

I paused on spot from her sudden question, glancing at her for a small second. Her eyes were red, watery and her cheeks were covered with blotchy mascara she had cried off. Curiosity passed through her green eyes.

"I am." I flatly responded, gulping down the little milk left in my glass. I turned my back to her as I put the milk back in the fridge, before washing the glass and leaving it to dry.

"For how long?" She quietly asked. I turned to face her, making sure I had a blank expression covering my face.

"For some time." I mumbled, not really believing she had the right to know how long I was working here for. She nodded, a small smile etching onto her lips.

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