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(Ava's Pov)

God, that man was absolutely frustrating. I had never met someone so confusing and stubborn before. Well, those are the only some of the things I managed to pick up about him from our two encounters. I just didn't get what his deal was.

I watched as his well-built figure strode off, his white T-shirt tightly clinging onto his muscular back. Those shorts exposed his legs, showing an ink tattoo going up his leg. I involuntarily licked my lips, my eyes slowly trailing north, and landing on his butt. 

A little jolt of heat shifted through my body. 

My eyes followed his every movement, until he was no longer in sight. 

"He's such an ass," I heard myself mutter, trying to distract myself. I can't believe I just checked out my Boss so thoroughly. Feelings Kelly's eyes on me, I glanced over at her. For a near second, I was afraid she had watched me eye-rape him. However, I was filled with relief when seeing her wiping down the counter with a yellow dishcloth.

"What's his deal?" I found myself asking the kind elder woman. As soon as she saw me standing outside the front-door, an hour ago, she welcomed me inside, smiling warmly at me. I was glad that there was a nice person here, other than Ms Pattie, the kids and the nice old man who opened the gate earlier on.

"I'm not sure," She shook her head, a slight frown tugging at the corner of her lips. I furrowed my brows at her. 

"Really? You said you've known him since he was a little kid, you've got to know why he's acting so rudely." I pressed. A low sigh left her lips and she glanced over at me. I noticed Kelly was a couple of inches shorter than me, and that strangely made me feel better about my height. I wasn't exactly tall.

"Look, Ava, Justin is just a little hesitant when it comes to meeting and hiring new people." She trailed off, as I inwardly tried to understand her sentence.

"So, you mean he has trust-issues?" I found myself asking, leaning a little on the counter. She paused, before nodding with a little shrug.

"I guess you could call it that." She murmured. "Don't pay any attention to it, alright? He'll warm up to you, just try stay on his good-side."

"And how do I do that?" I mumbled lowly. Amusement passed through her eyes and she chuckled lightly. 

"He does have a good-side, Ava. Everyone does." She told me, almost reading my mind and answering my thoughts. "And to answer your question, I'm not entirely sure. I've already told you, he'll warm up to you. Don't you worry, child."

I held in a retort at Kelly's word. It was so easy for her to say that. She knew Justin her entire life, so she most likely hadn't got to know his bad-side. Mainly because she was his elder and he knew to respect her.

Sighing, I shook off my thoughts.

"Where are the kids?" I asked, changing the topic. It was needed, otherwise I would have continued to ramble on and have never let the conversation drop.

"They're in their rooms. They should be up by now." She replied, making her way over to the double toaster and sliding in four slices of bread. I nodded, feeling a unfamiliar emotion hit my stomach. I think it was excitement mixed with nerves.

"But knowing them, they'll probably be asleep." She rolled her eyes, pulling out the butter from the fridge as well as Nutella from the cupboard. I presumed she was going to start making their breakfast. A sudden idea went off in my mind.

"I can wake them up," I found myself offering. Her eyes darted over to me, and she smiled at me.

"Are you sure, child?" 

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