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(Ava's Pov)

Time... it's a funny thing. Sometimes we wish it would speed by like a flash of lighting. Then other times we wish it would take its careful time, slow as a turtles movements. Time it gives us mixed emotions. It makes us wish for more, but then makes us with for less.

But sadly - we don't have control over time. None whatsoever. We have no control if whether time flies by, or drags by slowly. We can hope, wish that time would pass (or slow) by, but in the end we have no power of it.

Right now, as I sat in the presence of the three children eating their afternoon snack - I wished nothing more than for time to slow down. Why? You may ask. Simple. In less than a week, my time as Nanny Ava would be up and I would be returning back to my old life. As a college student.

Just six days.

Six days and I would no longer hear the name 'Nanny Ava' from either of them.

Six days and I would no longer see them in my everyday life.

Six days and I would no longer be there to tend their needs, look after them, cook for them, care for them.

Six days and I would no longer be living under the roof of this large, house.

Just in six days - it would all come to an end.

My heart swarmed with sadness as the smile on my lips vanished into thin air. One second it was there and the next it was gone. See, time's a funny thing. So much, or so little, could occur within it. And my time spent here, so much, that I couldn't even put into words - had happened.

So much.

My eyes fleetingly glanced at the three figures. We were all sat around the coffee table. Mason was chewing down on his large bite of a chicken and salad sandwich. Aria was beside him, picking at the slightly burnt potato chip on her plate. And lastly there was Drew, sat inches away from my lap, swirling a line of tomato spaghetti into his mouth. I grinned at the sight of the sauce messily covering his mouth. He was adorable.

"Silly, baby." I chuckled, picking up the napkin and wiping the sauce away from his mouth. He peered up at me, smiling as he let me wipe his face clean of sauce.

"There," I laughed. "Be a little less messy, okay?"

With a small nod, he went back to feast on his spaghetti. I saw Aria giggling at her messy little brother while Mason looked too occupied with eating his sandwich. He was really enjoying that. They were all having their lunch, and that in the living room. It took me some real effort, but I had managed to bring them all downstairs.

When I had asked Aria why they were all locking themselves in their rooms and not coming out, she hesitantly told me.

"Because my mommy's back."

The sadness that passed through her eyes answered it all. It was clear now why they were hiding away from their mother. They felt as if they saw their mother, they'd grow close, and then it would just all be a repeat of the past. Ending with her leaving. Or maybe the fact they weren't just ready to face her yet. They were suddenly reminded of the hurt they went through because of her.

After Aria told me that, I had embraced her into a large hug and told her to come downstairs. That we'd have lunch in the living room, where her mommy wasn't. Reluctantly, she agreed and fetched Mason. Drew was already with me at the time.

When we made our way downstairs, Kelly had saw us and grinned, sending me a knowing look. A thankful look. She was on her way to a doctor's appointment, so I was left to cook for them. And all their needs differed. I didn't mind cooking them different dishes. 

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