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(Justin's Pov)

Closing my eyes, I slowly inhaled a deep breath. My hand tightly gripped the pen as I tried to shake off my clouded thoughts. However, my mind wouldn't have it. Instead, it continued to provoke my entire body with rage, throwing back the small amount of encounters I had with the frustrating brunette.

So frustrating.

It was now her second day 'working' here, and I was glad I hadn't run into her again. Somehow, she managed to press my buttons with just her presence alone. That wasn't normal. It wasn't normal to feel frustration pulse within me when she was in the same room as me.

Definitely not normal.

I wouldn't even have a problem with her, if she just listened and walked out the door now - rather than two months. Two months later when the children would have grown attached to her. Two months later when they would miss her greatly, but she would never know.

I gripped the pen tighter in my hands.

Yeah, I found out how long she would be working here. That was from my mom. She also threatened, that if I continue telling Ava to leave - she'll kick my ass.

And I'm hundred percent sure she'll live up to that.

But I just don't get the big deal with having a Nanny. The kids have been fine for the last two years...they don't need a Nanny.

How would you know, Justin? It's not like you've ever spent a minute with them over the last two years to know if they need someone to care for them like a mother.

My jaw clenched as my thoughts attached to reality, smacked me across my face. They were right - but then they were wrong.

Once upon a time, I was in the kids situation. My mom, she was always busy with her business - she still is. And my dad, well, I'd rather not speak of that prick. I was always alone, before my two siblings came along. My mom, she noticed my loneliness and decided hiring a Nanny would solve the issues. However, it only weakened the love I held for my mother and strengthened the love I felt for my nanny.

Suddenly, one day - Nanny Kate, stopped showing up. I was left heartbroken...I felt alone...I felt a lot of things; even though I was only six years old. I found out she left for good a few days later. And I'll be honest, it took some time for me to forget her. She was like a second mother to me - she practically raised me for two years.

So, that's exactly why I don't want my children to have a Nanny. They'll grow attached - and then she'll leave. Regardless if it's two months than years.

They don't need that.

Sighing, I let go the pen I found myself gripping. My eyes fluttered open and I stared at the ceiling above from me.

Although I hadn't seen the brunette today, I was most sure that I would later on. I couldn't avoid her since she living in the house. Even if I didn't want that happening.

The sudden familiar sound of my phone ringing, snapped me out of my thoughts. I blinked, glancing down at the all-black iPhone, placed on my desk. The screen lit up, capturing my attention. In bold, black letters; the familiar name was shown.

A small grin curled onto the corner of my lips and I didn't hesitate to swipe 'Accept' and put it on speaker. I wasn't bothered to hold it up to my ear.

"Hey, Bass." The familiar voice belonging to my best friend, Ryan, entered my ears. 

"Hey, Butler. How you been?" I questioned,

"Great, man. How about yourself?" He chirped back in response.

Ryan and I went way back. We had been friends since we were seven years old. His family was wealthy, since they owned a famous, prestigious business. When Butler Bills, decided to relocate its home office in Oklahoma, he was put into the same elementary school as me. I still remember how we met. Both of us fighting over the last crayon in the pencil pot. In the end, we ended up breaking it into half - making it equal.

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