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(Ava's Pov)

This was good. This was really good. Wait, it was more than just really good. It was great. Really great. In-fact, it was amazing. Really amazing. No, it was amazingly good great.

Two days without kissing him. Two days without feeling his hands grasping my waist, hurriedly tugging me closer to him. Two days without any arguments. Two days without giving into tempting desires.

Two days.

It was good, right?

Good that we both agreed on stopping whatever game we had going on. The game wasn't going anywhere, like Justin had said. It was just a ball of stupid lust which decided to hit us both without any warning.

It was wrong, what we were doing.

And it was amazingly good great, that we had stopped it.

Right, Ava?

My mind could definitely agree with the idea of stopping being a good thing. However, how my body felt...well, that was another story. My body wanted him, it didn't care about what was wrong or right. It liked Justin - point blank.

Sadly for it, it wouldn't be getting Justin anytime soon.

Sighing to myself, I slowly wiped down the play table the children had spilled a few crumbs and small puddles of juice. They were currently playing outside in the garden with their beloved water guns, enjoying the warm weather.

I was inside, cleaning up the little mess they had managed to make when eating a snack. And all whilst I done so, I couldn't control the thoughts running through my mind. They were all a mix. Some were trying their hardest to be positive and others were tauntingly negative.

They all linked back to one person; who was the cause behind them all.

I disliked him at first, I could say. He had certain qualities about him, which I strongly dislike to find in a person. But now I realize there has to be a reason behind it...right? It only makes sense to as why he is so cold, harsh and rough to me. Well, just in general.

Since encountering him, there's only been about three conversations we've had that are simply civil and have no edge to them. Like the one the other night...when we decided to call whatever game we had going on to stop. The conversation that followed was civil.

He's distant, I've noticed that. He's mysterious; like he has secrets, deep ones. Or possibly a past which is heavy and it haunts him.

I shook my head at myself. Maybe I was getting carried away? But maybe I wasn't and something really did happen to him, which caused him to be like how he is? It's strange. I've noticed he's different around Kelly, around his brother and sister.

It's the rare times he smiles.

I've noticed that. In-fact, you'd have to be pretty blind to miss it.

I bit down on my bottom lip, pausing from my action of wiping the table. 

Maybe I was judging him too much in the beginning? Maybe how Kelly and Jazymn spoke about him was the real him? I didn't know him. I didn't have the right to place a judgement, but neither did he. 

I closed my eyes for a second. Simply trying to ease my racy mind.

Maybe I was wrong about Justin. He couldn't really be like this....could he? Maybe it was time I realized we should be civil and actually try to get along. Regardless of whether I don't like him or he doesn't like him.

Maybe it was the time to start off new.

To realize the truth and accept it.

Maybe then...I could really understand and see the real Justin Bieber.

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