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(Ava's Pov)

"Seriously, how many of those have you consumed over the past month?" The sound of my roommate's voice, Sasha, entered my ears. I swallowed down the cold cream, flavoured chocolate mint, loving the little cool it sent down my throat.

I spared her a small glance, noticing her dressed up, looking gorgeous as always. She raised a questioning brow at me, a twinge of amusement entwined with concern shinning in her eyes. I shrugged, tearing my eyes away and focusing them back on the cold ice cream tub, placed in my blanket covered lap, a silver spoon sticking out of it.

Ice-cream, it had become my best friend. After Sasha, that is. It had been with me the past month, introducing itself in my life the exact day I arrived home with a broken heart. It was there to comfort the sadness I felt, as well as Sasha, who had listen to me sob about the past two months, letting me get it all out.

I had appreciated her a lot that moment. Even more for managing to deal with me over the last month. Thirty days of me being nothing but miserable and most definitely depressing. I was surprised she hadn't just thrown me out, too fed up to deal with me.

The thought of her kicking me out made my lips twitch upwards. It was a funny sight imagining her small figure physically dragging me by the hair and out the apartment door.

"Jesus." Sasha whispered. "Are you sure you're okay? You're starting to creep me out with how you're smiling... Though it's nice seeing you smile, don't get me wrong."

Rolling my eyes, my smile dropped into a straight line and I stuffed another spoonful of chocolate mint ice-cream into my mouth. Not caring how much of a sloth I probably looked like.

"What? Now you're just going to ignore me? Come on, Ava... the girl who smells like a cave-a. Breath stinks like dry paper." She tried to rhyme, insulting me by telling me my breath smelt along with my body. I shot her a hard glare, dumping another spoonful of ice cream into my mouth. She sighed.

"Kidding. But you do smell a little. Having a shower and dressing into a fresh pair of clothes wouldn't hurt, you know." She trailed off.

I swallowed my bite. "I'm fine the way I am."

"So she speaks," Sasha playfully rolled her eyes and crossed her arms across her chest. "Are you sure you don't want to come out with me and Tod? We're going clubbing... you know, grab a few drinks, dance a little, chat up a few guys... you know... live."

I sighed, licking the coating of melted chocolate mint off my lips. "No, Sasha. I'm fine. You go out and enjoy yourself."

She frowned. "Not you're not, Ava. You're acting so miserable, living on that couch as if it's your second home. I mean, when was the last time you got up from there?"

"This morning," I mumbled, toying with the spoon in the tub of ice-cream. "I left my bedroom. You saw me."

"Oh for God sake, Ava. You know what I mean!" She cried, frustration clear in her voice. I suddenly felt bad for acting the way I was. It was like I was just asking for my scenario, in which Sasha kicks me out, to come true.

"I'm sorry. I know I'm probably being a bitch, but I'm... I'm still sad, Sasha." I sighed in frustration and self-annoyance, hesitantly glancing up at her. The crease in her brows vanished and her eyes softened. Slowly, she made her way over to me and took a seat beside me. 

"It's okay. We're all a bitch at some point in our lives. Your time is now." She took my hand in hers, comfortingly rubbing the top. "Talk to me. Tell me why you're still feeling sad."

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