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(Justin's Pov)

My eyes were pulled to it. It was almost like there was an invisible gravitational pull to it, so forceful and strong, not allowing my eyes to look away from it. Ever so slowly, my fingers toyed with its small shape. Every now and then, the bright chandlers light (which hung above my head) hit its gold color; illuminating a great spark of light.

Almost like a spotlight.

The heavy, expensive, captivating, breath-taking stone, was precisely, perfectly glued upon the golden band. It was gorgeous - beautiful. Although there was a small, tiny crack, on the edge of the diamond (if you were to look really, really, closely) - it was still flawless.

Any woman or man would die for it. Some would even kill for it - simply how this fucked up world we lived in, worked. It was worth thousands. It was worth a lot of things.

After all, it was a diamond ring.

The perfect engagement ring.

Every woman would swoon if a man they loved ever got down onto one knee and asked for their hand in marriage, pulling the expensive sucker out of their pocket.


They'd scream a big, loud 'YES!', begin to jump up and down like a damn kangaroo, tears beginning to brim in their eyes, as a large smile over took their lips. Then they'd begin to whisper, yell, cry out words of happiness and excitement. Like, 'Oh my God! I can't believe this!' and 'This is really happening, oh my gosh!' - all whilst being unable to stay still on spot.


And then us men, we would slowly get up from our slightly aching knee, feeling a large weight of relief lift off our shoulders, allowing the new feeling of happiness to consume our entire body. All the sudden nerves, and doubts would disappear, almost like they were never there.

Then, we'd look into your beautiful eyes, secretly, openly in awe by your beauty. We'd pull out the ring from its velvet box, still in shock that the woman we love, had said yes to a lifelong commitment. Then the nerves would return, but good nerves; nerves which were full of excitement and thrilling fear.

We'd slide the ring onto your finger, both our breaths harsh, strong and uneven. A sudden adrenaline had captivated us, after all. Both our hearts pulsing at a fast pace.

"I love you. I'm...I really love you. God, I-I...I love you."

She'd whisper, her green eyes filled with tears. Happy tears.

A smile would overtake the male's lips.

"I love you much more, darling. You're my entire world. I love you."

The words would flow absentmindedly out of their mouths, breathless. In that moment, it was just her and him. The world around was nothing - almost nonexistent. Instead, all that mattered was the love they felt for one another, as well as the inevitable journey of marriage they could feel themselves preparing for.

Then, slowly, they'd lean in. Their lips would connect, officially sealing the deal.

They'd become each others; heart, soul, mind and body.

Sounds like something out of a fairytale, right?


What if I were to tell you I experienced that moment? That I...I was once the man struck with nothing but love for the woman in-front of me? That I was once foolish enough to get down onto one knee and ask for her life-long commitment, too consumed by the feeling of love?

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