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(Justin's Pov)

I was getting the hang of this. The hang of being in a...relationship (I guess you could call it)...after so long. I was learning to open up to Ava, let my guard down, go back to being the playful, happy me. As well as getting the hang of that, I was getting used to being back in my children's lives again. Back to being a loving father.

Things were great. Amazing, even. I wouldn't change a thing.

But I had to admit, it sometimes felt strange. Being intimate with someone again. Don't get me wrong, Ava was exceptional. I desired her body, and man did it feel good to finally get laid again after two years. It was the fact everything about Ava was different from Gracie.

Their personalities. Their kisses. Their touch. Their beauty. Everything differed between the two in my eyes. Especially the way I felt.

Shaking off my thoughts, I smiled to myself as I entered the living room where I knew the four would be. As I had excepted, they were all here. All of them were in a circle on the ground. Drew was sat in Ava's lap, Mason was leaning against the recliner chair and Aria was laying flatly on her back, staring up at the ceiling fan move.

They all look tired and drained. I could tell it was from the weather. Thirty fucking five degrees. 

"What do you all want to be when you grow up?" Her soft voice suddenly asked, eyes focused on Drew's hands which were playing with her fingers.

"I want to be a Nurse," Aria chirped up, still laying flatly on her back. "So then I can help people get better and care for them when they're hurt."

My heart twisted a smile growing onto my lips. I was suddenly a little more thankful that my children weren't typical spoiled brats even if their father was a wealthy man and gave them more than they sometimes needed. They were good people. 

I glanced over at Ava, seeing her smile down at Aria. I could tell she was thinking the exact same as me.

"I want to be an athlete... a basketball player." Mason drowsily said from the spot he was sat on, legs stretched out in-front of him.

"Why's that, Mase?" 

"Because, ball is life, woman." He mumbled. I bit back an amused grin willing to show, shaking my head at him. Of course he would come back with something like that. 

"And what about Drew?" Ava questioned with a chirp to her tone, playfully squeezing his sides. He yelped, giggling a second after. The sound was soothing and nice to hear.

"He doesn't know yet." Aria answered for him, glancing over to her younger brother. "But I think he'd like to be a vet. He really likes animals."

My ears perked up at the new information about Drew. I wasn't aware of that until now.

"Oh," Ava grinned. "That all sounds wonderful. I'm sure if you continue to work hard, you'll end up becoming what you desire."

I smiled at her words, inwardly agreeing with them a hundred percent. In order to achieve your dreams, you needed to work hard, stay motivated, be dedicated, think positive and then you'd eventually achieve them. They'd come true.

Just as I was about to make my presence known, Aria asked Ava a question which made me pause and closely wait to hear the response.

"Nanny Ava, what's your dream job?"

Ava stilled, surprised from the sudden question. She pursed her lips, before shrugging at her.

"I'm not sure, sweetheart."

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