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(Ava's Pov)

I held his hand. It was larger than mine, warm, a little rough; masculine. I held it tightly, closely as I walked along the hallway, feeling him follow right behind me.

I knew he was having second thoughts. I knew he would rather turn on heels and forget he ever tried. I knew what kind of thoughts were running through his mind after last night. I knew.

But what I also knew, was that Justin wanted back in his children's life. He wanted to be their father once more. He wanted to correct his wrongs and apologize to them. He wanted it to go back to the way it was before between them. He wanted all of that. And because of that, I wouldn't let him turn away.

He needed to do this. Not only for himself.

I softly squeezed his hand, my own heart jumping from the contact of it in mine. I was surprised at myself when I reached out to hold his. I was even more surprised to find him gladly following along and embrace mine back. I had to hide a large smile, which threatened to show that moment.

When we grew closer to the living room, I could hear their distant chatter. I felt Justin tense, suddenly pausing on spot. Wearing a frown, I turned to look at him. His eyes were closed and his jaw was tightly clenched.

I bit down on my bottom lip, letting go of his hand and reaching out to cup his face. He still didn't move, only tense with his jaw tightening by the minute.

"Justin," I whispered. "I know what's running around in your mind right now. I know what sort of thoughts you're having. Just don't listen to them. You're doing this for them, for yourself."

He slowly opened his eyes, staring intensely at me. I encouragingly nodded, smiling lightly in a reassuring manner.

"You can do this, Justin." I pressed. "Everything will be okay. Don't worry. Trust me, Jay."

 After a few lingering seconds, he finally nodded.

"Let's just get this over and done with," He lowly muttered. I grinned, unable to help myself as I leaned forward to press my lips against his jaw. He simply gazed down at me, a glint passing his eyes.

"That's the spirit," I winked, and effortlessly held his hand back in mine. Justin followed behind me as I led him into the living room. The voices grew louder and the three figures came into sight. 

On the ground with her stomach pressed against the carpet, legs waving around in the air as she colored in her book, was Aria. Beside her sat Drew, smiling as he pointed at the picture she was coloring in.

"Yes, Drew, that's a cat!" She giggled. "What color is it?"

My heart nearly jumped out of my chest when I saw him open his mouth, but only to close it shut and point at the black crayon Aria held in her hand. A grin powered at his lips.

"Black! You're right." She lovingly pinched his cheek and went back to coloring. My heart warmed from the sight, a smile slipping onto my lips. 

The two figures still hadn't noticed us, and I wondered where Mason was. That was when I saw him sprawled out on the sofa that Justin and I had spent a countless amount of time making out on, heatedly touching one another as we shared little jokes. We were like teenagers. The thought made me smile.

Mason was staring at the iPad in his hands, fingers tapping at the screen for whatever game he was playing. Glancing over at Justin, I held his gaze and motioned over to the children.

"You've got this." I whispered in his ear. His brows furrowed and he let out a sigh, slowly nodding. With one last squeeze to his hand, I stepped away and went to grab the children's attention.

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