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(Ava's Pov)

I couldn't control my mind. I was simply, explicitly helpless. No matter how hard I tried to stop it. No matter how hard I tried to avoid it. No matter how hard I tried to prevent it from drifting off - I failed.

I failed so terribly, so horribly. My mind couldn't be tamed. Instead, it was like my mind had a mind of its own...if that makes sense. It just wouldn't listen to me. It disagreed with me. It wanted to wonder off to a definite no zone. However, it didn't care.

It wondered and it wondered good.

And do you want to know where it wondered?

It wondered back to the thoughts of my hot boss, who was also the father to three children, who might I add, strongly disliked me, if not; hated me.

Yeah, my mind continued to think about him. And especially him...last night. He was different; sort of. He was acting a little more open and what seemed like his friendly side, showed. Even though we did quarrel a little in the beginning, because of his unannounced presence by my bedroom door, he seemed to have calmed down. 

It was hard to put into words, exactly.

He had told me a little more about Drew and why he had nightmares. I wanted to ask him more about it, I wanted him to expand on it. However, seeing how slow and already closed off he was; I stopped myself. 

I knew my limits.

And even though the little source of interaction we had continued to play in my mind, so did the thought and feeling of his lingering hazel eyes across my body. His eyes were piercing, they were strong. I felt them move across each and every single inch of my body.

He was hot - so crazily hot.

His arms muscular, toned and plastered with ink (which I'm sure had a deep meaning behind). His mysterious, pulling hazel eyes, with a simple gaze that could make any woman drop to their knees. As well as his toned chest, noticeable through his clothing, making crazy ideas of licking and sucking cross my mind. Even his butt was incredibly looked so squeezable. And God, don't get me started on his legs and hands.

Without realizing, I felt my body grow hot. I swallowed harshly, licking my suddenly dry lips and shook off my clouded thoughts. This was not good. It was not good to have such filthy and dirty thoughts about my boss...who hated me.

But you couldn't blame me. 

Cursing myself under my breath, I cleared my throat and fixed up my hair, which was pulled into a ponytail. I was sat on the edge of my bed, oddly reminiscing unholy thoughts about Justin. I needed to stop and get up to go and do my job.

I stood up from my bed, straightening out my red maxi dress. It had shrunk in the wash and it now attached itself to my body, especially on my chest and behind. I would have changed into a pair of jeans, but the weather today was on another level. The air was boiling. Literally.

Sliding on a pair of slippers, I picked up my phone and made my out of my room. I gently closed the door behind me and began making my downstairs, where I knew the three would be.

When I entered the living room, my eyes landed on Aria, who was holding a white piece of paper in her hand. Drew sat beside her, whilst Mason stood across from them, bouncing a basketball against the ground.

"Hey kids," I greeted them, a genuine smile growing onto my lips. Their eyes landed on me and a smile broke out onto their lips...I think Drew even smiled. That made me grin larger.

"Nanny Ava, thank God you're here." Mason cried, letting out a sigh. I arched a brow at him, my eyes darting between the three small figures.

"Why?" I questioned with a small laugh.

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