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(Ava's Pov)

Breathless and stunned, I stared at Ms Pattie, who sat across me. I'm sure my mouth was parted, making me look slightly foolish.

"Why? Is there a problem?" Hearing her yet to be familiar voice, I snapped out my daze. Gulping, my eyes involuntarily glanced back down at the piece of paper in my hands. I noticed there was a slight tremble to them.

"Ava?" She pressed. I licked my lips, staring at the word which was the same size and font as the rest of the text, but managed to look bold to me.

A Nanny.

What do Nanny's exactly do? They look after kids. They care for them. They feed them. They teach them. They do the things mothers are supposed to do. That sounds pretty simple; straight forward.

But am I cut out for this? Do I really want to fulfill the role of a missing mother to some CEO children? Do I really want to spend my summer break working as a nanny?

It's a heavy job, after all.

"Ava," I heard her call once more, sounding a little more aggressive. Shaking off my thoughts, I zoned back into reality. Inhaling a deep breath, I opened my mouth to reply. However, that's when I realized something. If I said yes now, there was no going back. But if I said no, I could possibly loose out on a large amount of money that could feed me through senior year.

"No. No problem at all." I managed to choke out, surprised at how confident my voice sounded. Her eyes narrowed and she slowly nodded her head, before a tight-lipped smile etched onto her lips.

"Good." She uttered, her glancing back down to the paper in my hands. "Now sign those papers and count yourself hired."

I foolishly stared back at Ms Pattie, still trying to comprehend the fact I was really going through with this. Clearing my throat, I took a hold of the pen she had handed over to me and slowly pressed it against the dotted line, where my signature was needed. However, that was when a certain line caught my attention.

"I have to live under this roof?" I blurted out. She arched a perfectly shaped brow, and nodded her head.

"Of course, my son has plenty of bedrooms and you're needed here for twenty-four hour assistance." She matter of factually told me. I frowned.

"Oh, uh, alright. But Ms Pattie, just to be clear here; I'm only working here until my summer break is over, not anytime after that." I told her, making sure she was aware of the fact. A smile pulled at her lips and she rolled her eyes.

"I do know that, Ava. You already made it clear to as why you're here today." 

"Oh," I mumbled, biting down on my bottom lip, an odd feeling occurring to my stomach. "Very well then, I shall sign this contract."

My hands trembled as I signed my name. Numerous amount of thoughts jabbed at my mind, but one dramatic thought stuck out to me.

I was signing my life away.

"Done?" I heard her ask the second I pulled away. My eyes took one last glance at the paper, before nodding my head.


There goes my life.

"Great. Now that's all done, I think it's time for you to meet who you'll be looking after." Ms Pattie pipped up, making my heart jump. I mimicked her actions as she slowly stood up from her chair, a grin playing on her lips.

"The children?" I idiotically blurted.

She lightly laughed, nodded. "Of course, who else?"

Feeling stupid, I kept quiet and followed behind Ms Pattie. We walked the same route, eventually leading us back to the large house's main entrance. However, all I could concentrate on were these littering nerves, which were sudden.

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