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(Ava's Pov) 

The next thing I knew, I was on my way back to my apartment. Today had been eventful, spontaneous and fast. One second I was receiving a phone call from my distant mom, who suggested a job offer - and the next, I'm hired as a Nanny to a well famous, prestigious CEO - who also happens to strongly dislike me.

Wow...that went from 0-100 real quick.

I just couldn't wait to be back in my own bed and snooze off into a deep slumber. However, I would have to savor that moment. Because that moment of me sleeping in my comfortable bed with not much to worry about - it'd be over by tomorrow morning. As soon as my alarm clock hit eight o'clock, I'd have to force myself to wake up, knowing I had a job to attend and that too, being a Nanny.

Closing my eyes, a deep sigh left my lips. I sat inside the parked car, taking a moment to let everything sink in. I was thankful, annoyed, frustrated, cranky and tired. Today moved too fast, too quick for my liking. I met a handful of new faces and names that I would be seeing a lot more of in the future.

Inhaling sharply, I forced myself out the white, mini Toyota. I needed to pack my belongings, break the news to my roommate and then get a good night of sleep. I dragged myself over to our apartments entrance, passing 'Harry', the landlord, who shot me a small smile. He was a kind old man, with head full of grey, evidently caused by stress. 

I returned his gesture, but only halfheartedly. I stomped my way up the stairs, soon reaching my apartment floor. It was only the second floor. I took my time as I slowly walked towards my apartment, passing by my neighbors. I could hear the muffled sound of voices, music and televisions playing. As well as a somewhat strong scent of food cooking.

My mouth threatened to water, and my mouth suddenly grumbled in protest, capturing my attention. I inwardly rolled my eyes, cursing myself for being so careless and not eating anything other than a chocolate bar for breakfast. 

Twisting the key in its hole, the door unlocked open and I drowsily stepped inside my apartment, the heavy scent of my roommate's perfume flooding my nostrils. I closed the door behind me, my eyes focused on the ground. I could hear the television playing, indicating Sasha was still awake.

"So, did you get the job?" I heard her chirp, my eyes darting over to her. She was sat sprawled out on the couch, a bowl of popcorn balancing on her stomach as her eyes glanced at me briefly, before moving back onto the TV screen. 

Sighing, I made my way over to her, and didn't hesitate to slump down in a free arm chair.

"Ava?" She called a second later. I twisted my head, so that I was looking at her.

"I got the job," I paused. "I'm a Nanny." 

My eyes narrowed and I awaited her reaction. Her brows shot up in surprise, before a slight grin tugged at her lips.

"A Nanny? That's strange...I thought it would have been an assistant of some sort." She trailed off, sounding just as confused as I felt when I saw the word 'NANNY' written in bold in the contract. Sitting up, I nodded at her in agreement.

"Exactly, that's what I thought. But it turns out the job position was a Nanny." 

She popped a handful of popcorn into her mouth, shrugging. "Ah, well, at least it's good pay, right?" 

I nodded, biting down on my bottom lip. "I guess, but it's kind of a heavy job." I sighed.

"Don't worry, Ava, I'm sure you'll be fine." She reassured, half-paying attention, since her eyes were too busy focused on the TV screen. 

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