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Song For Chapter: Bad Day By Justin Bieber

"It was a bad day."

Early update cause I love you all :)

(Ava's Pov)

We all have those days. Those days that pop out of nowhere. They're spontaneous, out of the blue and always manage to mess with you mentally; your emotions. It's the events that occur during that period of 24 hours, that ruin the day for us. Us humans; we loathe those days. We simply, utterly, loathe them.

Those days, they have had to happen to every single human on this earth. It's simply impossible not to. Nobody is perfect enough not to have gone through a day like this. A day we've given a name to. 

Bad day.

Bad days are the worst days. After all, they're called Bad for a reason. Everyone has had them before. Everyone has gone through one of those days; the reasons behind them for us all, differing. Sometimes it may be that your body woke up with a strange ache, or you've fallen sick - which manages to mess with your daily routine and actions.

But it could also be for a different reason. A personal reason. Sometimes it could be events that occur in a day, including people. Maybe it was tripping and accidentally throwing a cup of scorching hot coffee on your boss. Or maybe it was actions of yours from another night, managing to make you sulk the next.

Today, I'm having a bad day. of those days. It may not seem like a bad day to others; the sun is out in the open blue sky, shining brightly. There's a soft breeze balancing in the air. Oh, and it's also Saturday afternoon.

However, while Aria and Drew are in the garden, blowing bubbles and Mason has gone out with his friend, Alex (and his Alex's father) to the park - I'm staring outside the window, watching all sorts of people walk across the road, unaware that they're being watched. Watched by a twenty-one year old, who is thinking about a certain event which occurred around four days ago.

I feel stupid, mixed with a strange numbness. These exact feelings drugged me the moment he lifted me up from his comfortable, warm lap and stood up onto his feet; realization glinting across his eyes.

"I'm sorry," 

I can still remember his words, which currently ring in my ears. His voice was raspy, breathless and flat. He uttered the words with a clenched jaw, showing me just how angered he inwardly was, but he kept it intact in-front of me.

Though I remember that, I also remember the feeling of his lips harshly pressed against mine. The same feeling of a burning fire growing in my stomach. The feeling of his rough hands coming into contact with my behind, clenching it in a firm, masculine grip.

I closed my eyes, leaning my head against the window.

And I hated it. I hated that I could clearly still feel everything I didn't want to. I hated that I regretted stopping him, but I had clear intentions and thoughts when I did. I hated that I felt this burning desire when it came to Justin. I simply, strongly, hated it.

A heavy breath left my lips as I slowly let my eyes flutter open. I shouldn't be doing this to myself. I shouldn't be torturing myself by constantly thinking about that night he and I were so lost into a lustful desire. No. Instead, I should be up on my feet, joining the kids and push any lurking thoughts out of my mind.

However, I had no desire or energy to do so. Instead, I would continue to sulk by the the window seal and stare at random unknown strangers, who unbeknownst to them they had someone watching them. As well as letting my mind think of only one man.

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