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(Ava's Pov)

Completely silent, I stared at the small little flowers scattered across the ground, right in-front of me. They weren't something I had paid attention to before. In-fact, I had just realized how beautiful they were. As well as the fact they were there. These small, yellow flowers were planted in the ground. Naturally, I supposed.

I was in the backyard, the large spacious garden. I was sat on the patio stairs, where I had let a few tears of mixed motions roll out of my eyes. 

Ten minutes ago, I was sat around the dinning table, along with everyone else. Ten minutes ago, Justin had wondered in before taking the opportunity to smash my heart by asking me one simple question that explained everything perfectly to me.

"What are you still doing here?"

His words... they had hit me somewhere deep. They had painfully struck my heart and broke any hope or faith I had in Justin and I. 

He was done. 

That was it. By asking me that, questioning my presence - he summed up what he felt for me. He didn't care if I left. He didn't care if I walked out and never looked back. Justin was done with our relationship. In-fact, now that I realized it, he was done with our relationship the second Gracie wondered back into his life.

I was just a fling. A distraction. Someone he lusted after and took out his sexual needs on. I was just that. Nothing else. 

Because if I wasn't - he would have fought

A not so surprising tear fled from my eye, slowly rolling down my cheek. I kept my eyes focused on the yellow flower, feeling something close to a fool as I let the scene replay in my mind. 

After Justin had asked me that, I was stunned to silence. I stared at him, frozen, slowly letting his words sink into my mind and try make sense out of them. For a second I really believed I was hearing things, that my mind was just playing tricks on me. But then I saw the blankness on his face, with the coldness covering his hazel eyes.

He was really done.

So, with the little dignity I had, I stood up from my chair. I silently placed Drew in my chair and excused myself, not hesitating to turn on my heels. I ignored Jazymn and Kelly calling my name. Or Drew's little confused whimper.

Instead, I silently left the dinning room and entered the kitchen, only to step out into the backyard. The awaiting sob left me and I sunk down on the patio stairs, letting everything I felt out. 

But that was ten minutes ago.

After a long two minutes of breaking down, I wiped my tears and fell into a deep silence, consumed by my thoughts. I was alone out there, and that's exactly what I needed. A grasp of peacefulness and silence. Just to slightly relax my racy self and mind.

The sudden sound of the door sliding, followed with a sharp intake of breath, I knew I was no longer alone. I didn't dare turn around, not having enough strength to. I could only imagine how much of a mess I looked with watery eyes and dry tear stains on my cheek.

The footsteps grew closer and I tensed, somehow managing to pick up it wasn't a female approaching me like I had thought. Instead, a man.

Swallowing, I tightly closed my eyes. Hoping it wasn't who I thought it would be.

"Everything okay?" The familiar, raspy voice questioned. I paused for a second, before sighing in relief when realizing it wasn't Justin standing behind me.

"Great," I answered Jaxon, inwardly a little confused as to why he had come out to speak to me. We weren't close. But that didn't change the fact I genuinely did like Jaxon. He seemed like a good guy once you got used to his continuous flirting as well as his natural joking manner. I had seen how thoughtful and caring he could be. 

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