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(Justin's Pov)

One time....turned into two times. Two times...turned into three times. And three turned into four times.

Four times.

Four times we kissed.

Two times I kissed her.

And two times she kissed me.

They were sudden, surprising, spontaneous kisses, that happened out of the blue. It made my heart jump, my body grow heated with want, my hands to find a mind of their own and my dick to arise with such wake, I had never seen it do before.

That was how it went over the past week. It was like a game, now that I thought about it. When I entered the room and saw Ava alone, we would end up arguing and then, we'd end up walking closer to one another, we would look one another in the eye and then, each of us would wait for the other to make the move.

That had been exactly four times now. Two were my fault and two were hers. And it all managed to start with me. I was the one to first kiss her, almost six days ago. I was the first one to make the move, so I was the one who really started this game.

It annoyed me. It annoyed me how good her lips felt against mine. It annoyed me how madly I wanted to feel more of her skin, her touch. It annoyed me how much I wanted her, but knew for a sure fact I couldn't have her.

I wouldn't.

My jaw clenched as realization struck me hard against the face.

This was wrong. Whether or not I had accepted the fact she was working for me, she was. I couldn't be having this...whatever game we were playing, to go on between us. I was acting out on my attraction towards her and she followed. It was dangerous - it was morally wrong.

It needed to be stopped.

If not, I would eventually cross all lines like a mad, horny man and take her. I was lusting after Ava and that, badly. She was tempting, like a forbidden fruit awaiting to be picked.

I wouldn't pick her...

I shifted on spot, closing the screen of my apple mac. A deep sigh left my lips as I sat back in my office, set in my company's building. The ceiling was a high, much like the skyscraper building. There was a large window, giving me a clear view of Oklahoma and its beauty in the afternoon. My desk was large, similar to the one at home, two chairs were across it. The walls were colored black and cupboards holding files and all sorts of information, were leaning on the walls.

It was a smart, large, neat and exactly the perfect office for me.

Even if I spent more time in my home office.

Running a hand down my face, I slowly stood up onto my feet. Exactly then, I heard a knock sound on the wooden door.

"Come in," I lowly called, clearing my throat. The door turned open and in stepped my secretary, Linda. Her brown hair was pulled into a tight bun, not a single spec of hair released out from it. A blue dress hugged her body and her feet were strapped into black high heels.

I never understood how women could walk in those things. They were so tall and high...I'm sure I'd probably break my back from walking in those.

Linda was a family friend. She was one of Jazymn's best friends and I had known her since childhood. She was apart of the small circle of women I trusted. She was like a younger sister to me, since she grew up with me. The both of her and Jazymn were like twins - it scared me sometimes. 

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