The Un-Invited Bed Mate Chp3

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hey you guys, I'm just going to cut straight to the chase right away. I'm really sorry for any Grammar or Spelling Errors, i do most of my writing\/editing at night and by then i'm nearly dead to the world with exhaustion. yes i know I'm making up excuses for my lame-ness. but i promise i'll be keeping an extra careful eye out for anything that i miss. so thank you and hope you enjoy the Chapter!

Sincerely and very very very sorry,


(PS. I'm also sorry if i get anything wrong about in this story, this is my First Ever Fan Fiction, and so i'm also a newbie at this. i more use to writing paranormal stuff and everything. but again, Terribly Sorry! :( )

*Olivia's Dream*

I'm running down some street in London England, my Camp LakeWood(real Camp!) shirt clinging to my body, soaked with rain and the thunderous scream of Fan girls trailing behind me.

I look around me and scream. the guys nor my friends were around, only me being chased by god knows how many fans. I turn left and stop short.

girls wearing 1D shirts come running at me, screaming on the top of their lungs. I turn and almost howl in frusation. I was blocked in, both ways Fan-girl's were running at me. the sky above me opens up again and rain pours down on me again.

I look up and glare. really sky? was that necessary?

"HEYYOOOOOO!!!" somebody yells from behind me.

before I can spin around and slap,punch or kick them-arms wrap around me and I'm flung onto somebodies back, like I was as light as a backpack (which I'm NOT).

"PUT ME DOWN!" I order my fists clenching, and my skin turning bone white.

"and let you get attacked by the Fan-Girls? okay" the person laughs and starts to put me back down onto the ground.

the girls screams blare into my mind and all my pride is gone.

"NO! RUN!!" the person carrying me doesn't take a moments notice and starts running down the street. dodging girls that were flinging themselves at the person.

all I could see was their backside, which was not a bad backside to be looking at.

"could you stop looking at my Finnneeee Arse and tell me whether they're gaining on us or chasing after us with torches!"

my face burns red and I look up. my eyes widen at the sight. "RUNNN!!!!!"

"I don't know if I-"

"put me down then run!" the person puts me back down, 'spite the gaining fans'.

I look away from the fans and gasp. Liam Payne smiles at me a heartbreaking smile and snatches my hand up.

"RUN!" he yells and tugs me along. I roll my eyes and run, running as fast as I did racing Louis.

"COME ON!" I yell back at him and pulling him along the rich looking streets. the screams behind us getting louder and louder.

"we're not gonna make it!" he yells his eyes huge and scared.

hmmmmm I bit down onto my lip (a nervous habit) and look around.


"come on and Relax!" I yell pulling him into a alley.

"what are we-"

"SSSSSH!" I snap holding my right pointer finger up to my lips and yank him behind a dumpster.

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