La Lier Lier Pants on Fire Chp15

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everybody ignores the doorbell(Partly because they probably couldn't hear it over the yells of Harry and Lou) and continues to grab food and find a place to sit down. the door bell rings again and I raise an eyebrow at the group-"aren't one of you going to answer that?" Zayn gives me a you've-got-to-be-kidding-me face. "Lou?"

"BUSY! Damn it Harry! put that-" I roll my eyes and walk over to the door, yanking it open and a gasp falls out of my lips.

"Hey Cous" Dessie smiles up at me, her arms loaded down with books and magazines. "hey Dessie,how've you been?" my voice squeaks out,as my heart falls into the empty pit of my stomach(heart: "it's so cold and lonely down here!").

"well..I've been good, and thanks again for leaving me at the concert." Dessie gently walks past me and into the house. "crap! I'm sorry Dessie ummm(THINK BRIAN THINK!)-Lexi had to go to the hospital! she cut her arm up pretty bad a couple days prior to the concert and it reopened after the concert. it was pretty bad-tons of...blood and stuff" (LIER LIER PANTS ON FIRE!). "ahhh, so is she okay now?" Dessie askes setting her armload down ontop of one of the counches and looks at me, a confussed expersion on her face.

I bit down onto my lip and try to Look my cousin in the eyes-"ummm yeah, she's doing alot better now" she nods at me and an awkward silence fills between us. my gut is tieing itself back into knots and the urge to tell my so lovable\/trust-able cousin everything that has happened the past week and half-

but I couldn't do that to do that to the Boy's or the rest of the girls. "Livy are you okay? you look guilty of something" oh damn her and her 6th uncanny sense! I bit down harder and the taste of coppery blood splashes onto my tongue. "no I'm fine just-"

"LIVY! Where's the Syrup at?" my heart slams against my ribs as Louis walks into the room and stops dead into his tracks. Dessie's eyes go huge and her mouth opens slightly to start screaming(and have a fan-girl moment(s)).

"Livy-is that Louis Tomlinson?" she asks in a shaky whisper quite voice. Lou looks at me, and his eyes also wide and terrified at the possibility of a girl going bat crap Fan-Girl onto him.

Okay Olivia, now's time to make the decision that you've been dreading ever since Dessie got back-want to tell her the truth or lie your silly ass off? most people would probably go ahead and give Dessie the whole run down but this wasn't just going to affect me and her, but the others too-and what if Dessie let it slip that One Direction was staying with me and then the whole country would flock here and nobody would be able to leave for a long while-and then the boys and the girls would be spilt up(believe me, when Lexi gets attached to something-she doesn't ever want to let go,specially if that thing is a certain Harry Styles) to probably never see each other ever again and everybody would hate me. even though I was just trying to do the right thing.

my stomach twists and I give my cousin a fake happy smile-"No Dessie-that's not Louis Tomlinson"


Yoie Oie! hey, okay i know that this Chp is really small and everything but at this moment i will be working on the next couple days worth of Uploads and making them special and detailed for Ya'll!

Thank again for the reads and votes\/Fan, i swear that one day i'll wake up from this dream that i'm having!

Crazy and Loud,

ThatOlivia ;)

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