Kettled Kats Chp28

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  • Dedicated to Cat Fish Kettle and the sign that never works! Tru Inspiration!

This has been the longest Two weeks in my life.

Lexi pulls my car(oh that toke alot of screaming from me-I did not want ANYBODY driving my baby-but the doctor told me no driving till the two weeks were up and the burns were too start peeling off) (they had been! and now they're almost all gone-revaling baby smooth skin underneath(ssoooooo smooothhh))up the driveway.But Lexi had told me she was driving me home-and staying the night also(wither I liked it or not).

I look back and spot Lexi's giant luggage bag's all pilling up into a moutain in the backseat-hmph, yeah she's just staying ONE night-looks like a whole summer's worth. she stops my car and I jump out of my car, kissing the soft ground.

 Oh home-how i've missed you! Ebon's flirting and stories had drained the energy out of me-plus I kinda missed being the one to cook all the dinners and having Lou clean it all up(What? oh come on-don't you dare sit there and judge me-his nickname in the house is Maid Lo-La)(I heard that Niall is thinking about getting him one of those slutty maid outfits too).

 "I'm home!"

 "LIVY!!!!" voices yell and i'm tackled to the ground,eating a mouth full of fabric and arms wraps around me-the thick smell of cologne filles my nose.

"GAH!" Alexis's faint cry blures out as voices all yell at me at the same exact moment. a faint laughs bursts from my lips and out of the corner of my eye I see blurs of Curly Hair and a Justin Bieber(Not Lou-he was too busy screaming in my ear) look a-like tackle her to the ground.

 Harry smashes his mouth to her's and I let the laughs that were brewing inside my chest out. wait-was he in a-well damn-no wonder Lexi likes him so much. Harry was dressed in-what I guess he thinks us Americans wear as Baseball fan's-a red and white St.Louis Cardinals Baseball styled Pants and Jersey-with the number 13 on it's back and Styles written above it.

Oh that Boy-my eyes roll at the sight of Lexi going red seeing his outfit(have I ever mentioned that Alexis LOVES baseball uniforms?) and making him laugh also.

 "LIVY!?!?!!!" I turn back and the smiling faces of Niall Horan-Zayn Malik-and Louis Tomlinson all lean down towards and grin wildly.

 " 'Vas Happenin?!" a hand(Louis Tomlinson I swear-wait or is that-NIALLIER!) moves down to my lower back and I turn a glare onto the two smiling Prev's. "Hands Off"


 "No Butt's for you two! come on-Up and Out!" Zayn pulls me up into his arms standing up and puts us both back onto our feet-leaving the two sitting on the wet dewie grass looking up and pouting at us. "No Butt's? butt-"

 "Niall-I think I just heard the kitchen timer go off"(thank you Zayn!)

 "ME PIZZAAAAA!" he yells clipping it with his accent and Lou 'swoons'-falling back into the arm's of Zayn and fans himself. "ohhh that accent-drives me-"

 "-Crazy, I think we got that Lou, but I thought you said Harry was the one who near secuded you?"

"they all do!" he cries patting Zayn on his arm and giving me a tooth filled smile. I shake my head at him and turn back around-only to be sucked up into another pair of arms-but these having more of a grip onto me.

 Lia-Harry smiles brightly down at me and tuckes his head in between my head and left shoulder blade."Olivia" his voice comes out in a barley audible voice-like those one guys who for exmpale sound like they're saying Ello-I am whateveryouwantittobe-I giggle and hug him back,enjoying the fact that the boy's were back-and that Camille was gone.

"how was your trip guys?"

 "yeah-see any 'hot girls'?" Lexi looks at Harry with wide eyes and her grip onto my arm digging down deeper and deeper like an archologist looking for bones-my bones! Harry leans down into Lexi's face and grins smalley at her. "No.i wasn't even looking"

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