Intro to main main character

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So,the top pic has her image and name and clan background,here's her personal info.

Okay, so the pic doesn't want to load and idk what I did with the actual pic, I either have it in my art file in the family storage or I got rid of it. I deleted the picture on my phone for whatever reason, so that's not an option. It said some clan history on it that was kind of important but everything else is at the bottom. I'll try to find the actual picture so you guys can see it.

Name:Shion Ketsueki
Meaning Death sound Blood
Age:11 (this is a year before Naruto graduates the Academy,so she's the same age as him and the other main genin characters)
Appearance:black crop top with a fishnet shirt underneath,black pants,black ninja shoes. Dark gray hair,light gray eyes with a sort of cat-like pupil,dark rings around her eyes like Gaara,extremely pale skin,black lipstick (pale lips underneath so it looks like extremely light pink),animal-like teeth (sharp teeth).
Personality:was cheerful and happy but also naive. After the death of her clan and then her village,she became serious,blood thirsty/insane, and gained knowledge of the real world,helping her be emotionless during any event in either regular days or during missions.
Eyes (or pupil,ignore the color that's as good as I could get it):

Weapons:regular;paper bombs,kunai,shuriken,but she only uses those for far ranges

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Weapons:regular;paper bombs,kunai,shuriken,but she only uses those for far ranges. Close distance combat,she uses her katana given to her by her mother before she and Shion's father died.

Kekkai genkai:Gōmon no me (eye of torture)
If any of you have watched the Twilight saga,then this kekkai genkai is the same thing as Jane's powers. If you don't or haven't watched Twilight,then this kekkai genkai allows the user to decide what type of pain or torture the other person should feel when their eyes meet. For example,if Shion was to look into an enemy's eyes and she said pain,then the enemy would feel excruciating pain all over their body. When this kekkai genkai is activated,the users eyes go pitch black,and by eyes I mean the entire eyeball.

Friends/allies:Itachi (brother-like friend),Orochimaru (sensei),Kabuto (friend),Karin Uzumaki,Jiraiya and Tsunade (acquaintances because of Orochimaru)

Shion is the last of her clan. Her clan and family were killed by her home village out of fear of destruction and death. She was 7 when her clan was killed and was saved by Itachi Uchiha (this was like a month after the Uchiha massacre). Itachi didn't bring her to the Akatsuki and didn't tell the organization about her,but he did tell Shion about his past. About three weeks after she was saved,Orochimaru kidnapped Shion and made her stronger by training her and giving her the curse mark. After two months of that,she was strong enough to avenge her clan and wipe out her home village with no remorse. After that,she showed no emotion to anything or anyone,and enjoyed torturing and killing people depending on who they are. When she was 9,she found Itachi and they both agreed to keep in touch with each other. Orochimaru released her and had Kabuto take her to Konoha when she became 11. Shion doesn't ever sleep because she has nightmares of the death of her clan,so she has dark rings around her eyes. She has the symbol "Shi" on her head because it's a birthmark that all Ketsueki members have.

Ok,so I got an app where I can make my own anime characters, and this is as close as I can get to Shion.

Ok,so I got an app where I can make my own anime characters, and this is as close as I can get to Shion

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Parentheses/( ) means author's note during the story.
Rest of info will be said in the story.

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